慶應義塾 Keio University

Guarantor ID and Related Services

Please check the FAQ/Inquiries for inquiries regarding guarantor IDs and passwords.
For the Japanese page, please click here.

Services available with guarantor ID

Keio University provides the following services for guarantors of undergraduate students.

  • Notification emails to guarantors on various matters
  • Viewing grade report online
  • Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi), a website providing information on payment of academic fees and expenses

Persons eligible to use service

Guarantor ID and related services are available to guarantors of undergraduate students. Guarantors of graduate and non-degree students are not eligible to use these services.

Guarantor ID and password

To use this service, you will need a guarantor ID and password used for the Keio Single Sign-On System (keio.jp).

  • This is different from the student's own Keio ID and password.
  • One guarantor ID will be assigned to each student.
  • If a student's guarantor changes, the guarantor ID will also change.

When logging into keio.jp for the first time, the screen for setting up an email address to receive notifications will be displayed.
Please set up your email address for notifications by following the procedures detailed in How to set the email address for notifications.

Notifications on various matters will be sent from Keio University to the email address designated for receiving notifications.
Information pertaining to the release date of grade reports, notices from student payment portal (Gakuhi Navi), recovery of guarantor ID/password, etc., will be sent via email, so please be sure to register an email address to receive such notifications.

The guarantor ID and password for guarantors of new undergraduate students in the 2024 academic year will be mailed to the guarantor's registered address between late April and early May.

Please check the FAQ/Inquiries if you forget your guarantor ID or password.

Viewing grade report online

Instructions for viewing grade report online

1. Log in to keio.jp.

Access the keio.jp login screen, enter your guarantor ID and password in the respective fields, and click the Login button.

2. Please set up your email address for notifications (only for first time login).

When logging into keio.jp for the first time, the screen for setting up an email address to receive notifications will be displayed.
Please set up your email address for notifications by following the procedures detailed in How to set the email address for notifications.

Notifications on various matters will be sent from Keio University to the email address designated for receiving notifications.
Information pertaining to the release date of grade report, notices from student payment portal (Gakuhi Navi), recovery of guarantor ID/password, etc., will be sent via email, so please be sure to register an email address to receive such notifications.

3. From the keio.jp menu screen, click on "Grade Report for Guarantor".

*During maintenance periods, such as at the end of a semester, the "Grade Report for Guarantor" item will not be displayed in the menu.

4. The grade report menu screen will be displayed.

5. Please confirm the information displayed at the top of the screen, and click the "Display" button.

Please note that grade report will not be displayed during the following times due to scheduled maintenance.
Scheduled maintenance period: Approximately 1 hour from 4 a.m. daily

6. The grade report will be displayed.

7. Click the "Back" button at the bottom of the screen to return to the Grade Report
menu screen.

8. Click "Logout" after you are done.

Periods available for viewing

With the exception of certain faculties and student years, the following periods are available for viewing.
*Only available for viewing while the student is enrolled at the university.

  • Spring Semester (first half) grades: Late June to late August
  • Spring Semester (second half) grades: Early September to late November
  • Autumn Semester (first half) grades: Early December to late February
  • Autumn Semester (second half) grades: Mid-March to mid-June

For details regarding the available viewing periods, please check the "Period" posted on the Information about Grade Report page of the Keio University Student Website.

Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi), a website providing information on payment of academic fees and expenses

Instructions for viewing Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi)

1. Log in to keio.jp.

Access the keio.jp login screen, enter your guarantor ID and password in the respective fields, and click the Login button.

2. Please set up your email address for notifications (only for first time login).

When logging into keio.jp for the first time, the screen for setting up an email address to receive notifications will be displayed.
Please set up your email address for notifications by following the procedures detailed in How to set the email address for notifications.

Notifications on various matters will be sent from Keio University to the email address designated for receiving notifications.
Information pertaining to the release date of grade report, notices from student payment portal (Gakuhi Navi), recovery of guarantor ID/password, etc., will be sent via email, so please be sure to register an email address to receive such notifications.

3. From the keio.jp menu screen, click on "Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi)".

4. The Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi) menu screen will be displayed.

About Academic Fees and Expenses/FAQ on the Keio University website.

Please refer to the following links for details regarding academic fees and expenses.
Keio University website "Paying academic fees"
Keio University website "FAQ/Inquiries on academic fees and expenses"



Q: I cannot log in even after entering my guarantor ID and password. What should I do?


Q: I forgot my guarantor ID (the notification email address already set up). What should I do?

A: If you have already set up an email address for receiving notifications, please refer to How to Check Guarantor ID and Password for instructions.

Q: I forgot my password (the notification email address already set up). What should I do?

A: If you have already set up an email address for receiving notifications, please refer to How to Reset Password for instructions.

Q: I have not set up an email address for receiving notifications (or I have forgotten the email address), and I lost my guarantor ID and password. Or, I have not yet received the notification postcard. What should I do?

A: Please request re-issuance of your guarantor ID and password through the Guarantor ID and Password Re-issuance Request Form.


If you have any other inquiries regarding guarantor ID and related services, please contact the Office of Student Services in charge of your student's faculty at their affiliated campus.