Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Mailings of grade reports
Grade reports will not be sent in the mail. Please check your grades online. See 2. for instructions on how to view your grades.
Grade reports will only be available to view online while a student is enrolled.
If you need them, we encourage you to either print out or save your grade report as a PDF (or in another format) before graduating, completing your program, or withdrawing from the university.
Viewing grade reports online
Please refer to the below with regard to viewing grade reports online.
Please refer to the below with regard to viewing grade reports online for guarantors.
※Important information
Routine maintenance: Around one hour each day from 4:00 am
End-of-term maintenance:
(End of Spring Semester) 5:00 pm, September 19, 2024 - 9:00 am, September 24, 2024
(End of Fall semester) 5:00 pm, March 28, 2025 - 9:00 am, April 1, 2025
This is available to the following students.
Available from | Available till | |
Spring First-Half-Semester | 09:00 am on Thursday, June 20, 2024 | Tuesday, September 3, 2024 |
Spring Second-Half-Semester |
Thursday, September 5, 2024 <Undergraduate Faculties> |
Monday, December 9, 2024 *For those who graduated or completed in September, the closing date for availability is 05:00 pm on Thursday, September 19, 2024. |
Fall First-Half-Semester | Thursday, March 6, 2025 | |
Fall Second-Half-Semester | Monday, March 10, 2025 09:00 am: Undergraduate students of 3rd year and over/graduate student/JLP Students/KIP Students/Non-Degree Students 10:00 am: Undergraduate students of 1st and 2nd year |
Mid-June 2025 *For those who graduated or completed in March, the closing date for availability is 05:00 pm on Friday, March 28, 2025. |
Note that the semesters for which undergraduate faculties and graduate schools make grade reports available also differ.
Spring First-Half-Semester | <Not Available> School of Medicine (2nd-6th years)/Faculty of Pharmacy (1st-6th years) Graduate School of Medicine/ Graduate School of Business Administration/Law School/Graduate School of Media Design (KMD)/Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Spring Second-Half-Semester |
<Not Available> <Different Schedule>
Fall First-Half-Semester |
<Not Available> <Different Schedule>
Fall Second-Half-Semester |
<Different Schedule>
Grading system
Grade Point Average (GPA) *For students admitted from AY 2017 onward
The GPA is a numeric value expressing the student's average grade score. The five grade levels for all registered courses are converted into a grade point (GP) from 4.0 to 0 (S: 4.0, A: 3.0, B: 2.0, C: 1.0, D:0.0) and multiplied by the number of credits for the subject. The sum of this calculation is then divided by the total number of credits for registered subjects, giving an average score, i.e., the GPA.
GPA = Total grade points earned (number of credits x GP) / Total number of credits |
Subjects marked as a Pass (P), Certified (G), or Fail (F), as well as optional subjects, are excluded from the GPA calculation. There are two types of GPA scores: the "semester GPA" for relevant semesters and the "cumulative GPA" for all periods of enrollment. Both the semester GPA and cumulative GPA are stated on grade reports. Only the cumulative GPA is shown on a Transcript of Academic Record. *Be advised that your grade point average (GPA) will also be used for academic guidance, and in the case that your score is significantly low, you may be advised to withdraw from the university, etc.
*For the Law School, refer to the course registration guide.
Issuance of Transcripts of Academic Record
Transcripts of Academic Record will be updated to reflect grades for credited courses taken in the Spring Semester from September 22, and from April 1 for the Fall Semester (except for those majoring in Legal Practice at the Law School). Those set to graduate/complete their program following the graduation/program completion announcement can obtain their certificates from the certificate issuing machine on campus or at convenience stores throughout Japan starting from the first weekday after their graduation/program completion date (March 10 or September 5).
Please refer to the page below for information on the start date and method for issuing all certificates.
Refer to the page below for the grading system, grade point averages (GPA), and handling of failed courses in Transcripts of Academic Record.