慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

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Grading system

Grading system since AY 2017

Grades are decided for courses after students have attended the designated classes and taken the examinations (semester-end examinations, assignments, etc.). There are five basic grade levels: S, A, B, C, and D. S, A, B, and C are passing grades. D is a fail. However, specified courses use the two grade levels of P and F. In such cases, P is a pass and F is a fail. Courses taken at other universities, etc. that have been approved for credit transfer without using the grade levels S, A, B, C or P, are designated G. Please note that the grades for paired courses are either both passing (S, A, B, or C) or both failing (D).

100-90 % Pass
89-80 %
79-70 %
69-60 %
59-0 % Fail

Guidelines for grade distribution

The criteria below are guidelines for lecture courses with thirty students or more; however, this does not include foreign language courses, seminars, practical courses, experimentation courses, research seminars, etc.

  • S is awarded to approximately 15% and A approximately 25%. In principle, the total number of people awarded S and A should not exceed 40%.

Grading of courses taken in AY 2016 and earlier

There are four basic grade levels: A, B, C, and D. A, B, and C are passing grades. D is a fail. Specified courses and courses taken at other universities, etc. use the same grade system as above.