慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.


User Guide for Accessing Online Grade Report

[Note] Note that as a result of regular maintenance, grade report is not accessible during the period indicated below.
Regular maintenance: Conducted every day for approximately one hour starting from 4:00 a.m.

(1) Log in K-Support.

You will require your Keio ID and password when using this system.

(2) Click the "Grade Report" button at the top of the K-Support top screen.

(3) The Grade Report menu screen appears.

(4) After checking your name, etc. displayed above are correct, click [Display].

(5) Grade report is displayed.

(6) Click the [back] button at the bottom of the screen to return to the menu screen.

(7) Finally, click the [Logout] button.