慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.


Course Numbering(K-Number)

 Beginning in the 2022 academic year, Keio University will be introducing a course numbering system (K-Number) which shall take effect with regard to all courses to indicate the course's level, academic field, and class format.
 The K-Number system will allow students to search for courses in academic fields of interest and learn based on a systematically organized academic plan.
 For courses which are offered jointly between multiple faculties or undergraduate and graduate levels, a separate number will be assigned for each faculty/graduate school respectively.
Please check the K-Number for each class in the Syllabus and Timetable Web Search.

K-Number Composition


K-Number Details

Type Details
Course Administrator

Undergraduate faculty/
graduate school
The administering undergraduate faculty/graduate school and department/major will be designated using alphabetic characters.

Main Course Number

year of enrollment)
The number indicates the recommended year of enrollment based on a university-wide approach.
0: Faculty-wide
1: First-year level coursework(or Introductory level)
2: Second-year level coursework(or Foundational level)
3: Third-year level coursework(or Application/ developmental level)
4: Fourth-year level coursework(or Professional/ practical level)
5: Fifth-year level and on coursework (or Advanced level)
6: Master's level coursework
7: Doctoral level coursework
8: Professional degree level coursework
9: Others

Major Classification
The systematization and classification of courses in each undergraduate faculty and graduate school is designated using numerals.
For details, please refer to the information provided by the undergraduate faculties and graduate schools.

Minor Classification

Subject Type
The subject type of the course taken will be designated using numerals.
1: Required subject
2: Elective required subject
3: Elective subject,

4: Optional subject
9: Others
Supplemental Course

Class Classification
The class classification will be designated using numerals.
1: Language
2: Lecture
3: Seminar
4: Lab / On-site training / Skill-development

5: Thesis
6: Research guidance
7: Lectures and on-site training
9: Others

Class Format
The class format will be designated using numerals.
1: Face-to-face classes (conducted mainly in-person)
2: Online classes (mainly real-time format)

3: Online classes (mainly on-demand format)
4: Online classes (completely on-demand format)

Language of instruction
The language of instruction will be designated using numerals.
1: Japanese
2: English
9: Others
Academic Fields

Academic Fields
The academic fields will be designated using numerals. (See table below)

⑩List of Academic Fields

01 Philosophy, art, and related fields
02 Literature, linguistics, and related fields
03 History, archaeology, museology, and related fields
04 Geography, cultural anthropology, folklore, and related fields
05 Law and related fields
06 Political science and related fields
07 Economics, business administration, and related fields
08 Sociology and related fields
09 Education and related fields
10 Psychology and related fields
11 Algebra, geometry, and related fields
12 Analysis, applied mathematics, and related fields
13 Condensed matter physics and related fields
14 Plasma science and related fields
15 Particle-, nuclear-, astro-physics, and related fields
16 Astronomy and related fields
17 Earth and planetary science and related fields
18 Mechanics of materials, production engineering, design engineering, and related fields
19 Fluid engineering, thermal engineering, and related fields
20 Mechanical dynamics, robotics, and related fields
21 Electrical and electronic engineering and related fields
22 Civil engineering and related fields
23 Architecture, building engineering, and related fields
24 Aerospace engineering, marine and maritime engineering, and related fields
25 Social systems engineering, safety engineering, disaster prevention engineering, and related fields
26 Materials engineering and related fields
27 Chemical engineering and related fields
28 Nano/micro science and related fields
29 Applied condensed matter physics and related fields
30 Applied physics and engineering and related fields
31 Nuclear engineering, earth resources engineering, energy engineering, and related fields
32 Physical chemistry, functional solid state chemistry, and related fields
33 Organic chemistry and related fields
34 Inorganic/coordination chemistry, analytical chemistry, and related fields
35 Polymers, organic materials, and related fields
36 Inorganic materials chemistry, energy-related chemistry, and related fields
37 Biomolecular chemistry and related fields
38 Agricultural chemistry and related fields
39 Agricultural and environmental biology and related fields
40 Forestry and forest products science, applied aquatic science, and related fields
41 Agricultural economics and rural sociology, agricultural engineering, and related fields
42 Veterinary medical science, animal science, and related fields
43 Biology at molecular to cellular levels, and related fields
44 Biology at cellular to organismal levels, and related fields
45 Biology at organismal to population levels and anthropology, and related fields
54 Internal medicine of the bio-information integration and related fields
55 Surgery of the organs maintaining homeostasis and related fields
56 Surgery related to the biological and sensory functions and related fields
57 Oral science and related fields
58 Society medicine, nursing, and related fields
59 Sports sciences, physical education, health sciences, and related fields
60 Information science, computer engineering, and related fields
61 Human informatics and related fields
62 Applied informatics and related fields
63 Environmental analyses and evaluation and related fields
64 Environmental conservation measure and related fields
80 System design engineering and related fields
81 System design and management and related fields
82 Media design and related fields
83 Science and engineering (Science and technology)
85 Comprehensive / Integrated areas (Humanities)
86 Comprehensive / Integrated areas (Social sciences)
87 Comprehensive / Integrated areas (Natural sciences)
88 Comprehensive / Integrated areas (Interdisciplinary studies)
89 Academic skills
90 Biomedical engineering and related fields