Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Through course registration, students register for courses they wish to take and at the same time confirm their academic intentions. Students who do not complete course registration during the designated period will be deemed as having no intentions to continue studying and be expelled from the university (Graduate School Regulations, Article 161).
If students plan to take a temporary leave of absence without registering for courses, they must submit an "Application for Temporary Leave of Absence" by the last day of the course registration period.
Master's Program Curriculum
The master's program consists of the following course categories.
In principle, two-credit courses are held once a week (one period: 90 minutes) and four-credit courses are held twice a week (two periods: 180 minutes). Please refer to the syllabus for the number of credits.
Click here for Master's Program Course Categories
Doctoral Program Curriculum
The doctoral program consists of the following course categories:
Doctoral Program Course Categories
Category (Category Code) | Course Name |
Independent Research (02-01-01) | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH |
Special Courses (02-05-01) | ADVANCED FIELDWORK A/B/C/D |
Optional Subjects (09-01-01) | Other Subjects |
* Courses other than "INDEPENDENT RESEARCH" and "ADVANCED FIELDWORK A/B/C/D" should all be registered as "Optional Subjects" (select Column B:99 when registering for courses).
Regarding Course Registration
Please refer to "Master's and Doctoral Program: Academic Calendar" for details.
Students can make changes to registration for courses as many times as they like during the course registration period. Students should give themselves plenty of time to complete course registration and ask the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) during this period if they have any questions.
Course Registration System User Manual
Students may access the "Course Registration System" by logging on to K-Support. (The "Course Registration System" will not be available everyday between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. due to maintenance.)
[K-Support] > [Class] > [Course Registration] > [Course Registration / Additional Course Registration]
If errors are found after courses have been registered, the courses in question will be listed as "Pending" in the column of the Course Registration System. Students should make sure that all courses are listed as "Registration Complete" in the column, and save and/or print the screen that shows the current course registration status.
Students can make changes to registration as many times as they like during the course registration period, but are not permitted to add or remove courses for any reason whatsoever after it ends. Students should make sure that there are no errors in their courses or fields after they finish registering.
Please refer to the Timetable for "Registration Number". Be careful to note that "Registration Number" is different from "Curriculum Code" on the Syllabus.
Students may check the syllabus for information on class plans, grading criteria, etc., for each course. Please refer to the syllabus for details of when and where the first meeting of the "Academic Project" course will be held.
A maximum of 10 transferred credits earned from courses offered by other graduate schools may be certified as credits required for completing the master's program. However, some courses restrict the registration of students from other graduate schools. Please check the following website:
- "Subjects for Students for Other Faculties and Graduate Schools"
For syllabi of courses offered by other graduate schools, faculties, research institutes, or centers, please check the Keio University course syllabi and timetable. (Courses will be tabbed according to the day classes are held. Check the "other" tab for intensive courses offered without any scheduled days or periods.)
Year-long courses and Spring Semester courses that are offered by other graduate schools, faculties, research institutes, or centers must be registered for during the Spring Semester Course Registration Period. When registering for courses offered by other faculties or graduate schools, make sure to register for them after obtaining permission of the faculty member in charge of the course.
Courses offered by other faculties and research institutes/centers may be taken as optional subjects. These subjects may not be included in the credits required for completing the master's program.
Please note that students enrolled in their final semester are not allowed to register for courses offered by Graduate School of Business Administration held in the third term.
Graduate-level Common Courses are courses shared among all graduate schools that are designed to cultivate the knowledge that is necessary for students' research. At the same time, the courses aim to enable students to utilize their own expertise while combining knowledge from all disciplines to create and apply a new kind of "multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge." It is hoped that students will conduct their studies transcending beyond the academic boundaries of humanities, sciences, and other disciplines. By doing so, students can have a more fruitful time doing their research, advancing their careers, and other pursuits.
Courses are currently available for the following areas. For details on courses offered, please check the portal and other websites, as well as the syllabi. Please note that courses for which there are a large number of applicants may be subject to student screening. In the event that there is student screening, priority will, in principle, be given to students who have not yet taken the course in question.
1. Research Skills
Students will acquire the knowledge and skills needed for conducting their research.
2. Data Science and AI
Students will take classes and seminars to learn how data science and AI technology are used in society, and how to make practical use of them. Courses that conduct seminars will deal with beginner-level programming geared for students with no background in data science.
3. Environmental Sustainability
Students will combine their knowledge from diverse fields and develop solutions to environmental problems.
Please note that the Graduate School of Media and Governance considers cross-listed graduate courses as optional subjects.
The courses below that were allowed to be conducted during university holidays must be registered within the semester following the break in which students did fieldwork or had an internship. (These courses cannot be cancelled.)
Only the changes listed below may be made during the Course Registration Amendment Period.
[For Both Master's and Doctoral Programs]
- Amending course registration errors
- Changing course categories
[For Master's Program]
- Adding or removing the "MASTER SEMINAR"
- Adding or removing the "ACADEMIC PROJECT" courses, or changing their course category to "Optional Subjects"
- Adding or removing the "MASTER THESIS 1" or "MASTER THESIS 2"
- Adding or removing the "MASTER PROJECT 1" or "MASTER PROJECT 2"
[For Doctoral Program]
- Adding or removing the "INDEPENDENT RESEARCH" courses
In the case that students do not make amendments during the Course Registration Amendment Period, the errors will be amended by the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs). The university will not be held accountable for any disadvantage incurred by students who failed to carry out the necessary procedure during this period.
Students may cancel courses they have registered for. Year-long courses and set courses need to be cancelled during the Course Cancellation Period for Spring Semester/First Half of Spring Semester courses. No grades will be given for cancelled courses. Also, it should be noted that new courses may not be added.
[K-Support] > [Class] > [Course Registration] > [Course Cancellation]
Please be aware that the following courses cannot be cancelled:
Course registration FAQ
What should I do if I forget my password?
I've obtained permission to register, but get an error message saying "NOT PERMITTED".
An error message is displayed when a student who has not obtained advance permission to register in Designated Classes or Courses with Restriction on the Number of Students attempts to register such courses.
How do I register for Master seminars, Special studies, and Academic projects?
Select "Other" from the day of the week and class period in the "Search by timetable" or input the registration number in the "Search by registration number" to register.
When I try to register for Master seminars or Academic projects, an error message appears indicating that the course limit is exceeded and I cannot register for the course. What should I do?
Up to a total of 16 credits obtained from [Project Courses] and [Master Research Courses ("MASTER SEMINAR")] may be included in the credits required for completing the master's program. If the total number of credits exceeds 16, register the courses as optional subjects.
When registering for "Graduate-level Common Courses," in which course category do I register?
The Graduate School of Media and Governance considers graduate-level common courses as optional subjects. Therefore, please register the courses as optional subjects.
Is it possible to audit a course without registering?
No, the audit system is available only for non-degree students. Please register for each course you plan to take.
If I earned C in a course, then re-registered and earned S, A or B, would my grades be overwritten?
No. The former grade will not be overwritten.
Can I re-register for a course that I failed (received a grade of D)?
Yes, it is possible. However, even if you pass and earn credits the second time you take the course, your previous grade of D will not be overwritten.