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慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

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Research Grants

※※Deadline extended

 <Information about Applications for AY 2024 Fall Semester Research Grant Programs>
  Submission period: 10:00 a.m., Friday, October 18, 2024 to 1:00 p.m., Thursday, November7, 2024

List of Research Grant Programs (for Undergraduate Students)

This is a list of research grant programs available for undergraduate students.
Please check the overview of each grant program in the list and apply for the program that matches the purpose of your research.
Click on the name of each research grant program to see the details of the program, application guidelines, and important notes when submitting an expense report.
Research results of past grant recipients can be viewed in the Student's Research Grant System.

*Click here for the research grant programs for graduate students.

 Inquiries: Office of Student Services (CDP Office)

Research Grant Program


Grant Amount

Time of Application

Eligible Students

Yamagishi Student Project Support Program

Supports research that embodies the SFC spirit to impact society and reach out to the real world.

Single theme project:
Maximum of JPY 300,000 per project
Interdisciplinary theme project:
Maximum of JPY 500,000 per project

Twice a year
Spring: Mid-May
Fall: Late October

・Third and fourth-year undergraduate students at SFC
・Students who plan to take the designated course
*Application period will be in May and October
*Single theme projects may be applied to by individuals or groups
*Interdisciplinary theme projects are to be applied to as a group

"Incentives to Study and Conduct Research" Through SFC Education Promotion Foundation

Supports research activities that reflect the SFC spirit.
*Particularly, it is recommended that research themes be cross-disciplinary in covering the breadth of your research at Kenkyukai.

Maximum of JPY 300,000 per project

Twice a year
Spring: Mid-May
Fall: Late October

・Undergraduates at SFC
・Groups of Keio University students consisting primarily of the undergraduate students stated above

Framework for the Promotion of Policy Studies by SFC Students (FPPS)

Provides grants for fieldwork-oriented policy research focusing on regional issues that Japan will face in the future

Maximum of JPY 500,000 per project

Once a year
Spring: Mid-May

Students in the Faculty of Policy Management or the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
*Applications as a group are encouraged

SFC Grant for Fieldwork Research in Asia Supported by Ikai Group

Supports undergraduate students who conduct research in Asia during the summer/spring break

Maximum of JPY 150,000 per project

Twice a year
Spring: Mid-May
Fall: Late October

Undergraduates at SFC
*Students must be enrolled in the same faculty in the following semester

Various support by the fund donated by the Masuda Educational Foundation

Common concept to the following support programs

The Masuda Educational Foundation's various support programs are funded by a designated endowment donated to Keio University's Shonan Fujisawa Campus by the foundation's founder, Seiji Masuda.
Both of these programs are designated to support students with an international perspective and a desire to contribute to the future development of Asia by studying abroad in the Asian region.

In particular, research that will promote Japanese culture, history, thought, and technology in Asia and the Middle East will be prioritized.

*All of the following programs are available to students in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Graduate School of Media and Governance.

SFC Asia Masuda Research Project Support Program

Supports students who aim to achieve the above-mentioned concept by designing and implementing research projects

Maximum of JPY 1,200,000 per project

Twice a year
Spring: Mid-May
Fall: Late October

・Japanese students (for activities abroad)
・International students from Asian countries/regions (for activities in Japan)
*Application by groups is permitted

SFC Asia Masuda Study Abroad Student Scholarship

Supports students who aim to achieve the above-mentioned concept by studying abroad in Asia

JPY 1,000,000 during the studying abroad period

Once a year
Spring: Late April

・Candidates of exchange programs to study in a university in Asia
・Privately financed studying abroad students that the university permits as "studying abroad"

Subsidizing a portion of the costs for attending overseas language programs

Provides subsidies for students to participate in overseas language programs

JPY 100,000 or 150,000
(The amount differs depending on the destination)

Only available to those who participate in the overseas language programs offered by the SFC Language Labs.
Details will be announced during the application period for each Language Lab.

*For more information about grants offered by the Keio SFC Academic Society, please click here.

Yamagishi Student Project Support Program

This program provides grants for research projects conducted by students in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care. This program supports research activities that reflect the SFC spirit and engage with the real world to create impacts throughout society.

Mr. Kotaro Yamagishi, Vice-President for Finance, Fundraising, and Entrepreneurial Education and Support, Keio University; CEO of Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc.; Co-Founder of GREE, Inc.

Third and fourth-year undergraduate students at SFC who plan to take Seminar A, Seminar B, or Graduation Project (offered at the Faculty of Policy Management and Faculty of Environment and Information Studies) or Project II (offered at the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care).
Applications will be accepted for the Spring and Fall Semesters respectively according to the time of advancing to the next year level or graduation.


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"Incentives to Study and Conduct Research" Through SFC Education Promotion Foundation

This program supports self-guided, independent research activities that go beyond the traditional frameworks of SFC. We are looking for students who can produce research outcomes through surveys, experimentation, and creativity. It is recommended that research themes be cross-disciplinary in covering the breadth of your research at Kenkyukai.

The Johnan Shinkin Bank

Students in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Information and Environment Studies, or the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, or groups of Keio University students consisting primarily of the students enrolled in these three faculties.


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Framework for the Promotion of Policy Studies by SFC Students (FPPS) Grant Program

This program provides grants for fieldwork-oriented policy research focusing on regional issues that Japan will face in the future.
Those who are interested in making policy proposals for the future of Japan or wish to receive grants to conduct fieldwork through the "tackling issues and devising solutions" approach are encouraged to apply!

Framework for the Promotion of Policy Studies by SFC Students (FPPS)

Students enrolled in the Faculty of Policy Management or the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
*Applications as a group are encouraged.


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SFC Grant for Fieldwork Research in Asia Supported by Ikai Group

The SFC Grant for Fieldwork Research in Asia Supported by Ikai Group is a research grant program for undergraduate students who are engaged in research and survey in Asia including China.
Spring recruitment is limited to research activities to be held during the summer break. Fall recruitment is limited to activities to be held during the spring break.

IKAI Co., Ltd.

Students enrolled in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care
*Recipients must be enrolled in the same faculty in the following semester of conducting research as the research results must be submitted in the following semester.

[Important Note] Criteria for conducting fieldwork overseas
When traveling abroad for fieldwork or internships, it is necessary to make a comprehensive assessment of the security situation and other factors in the destination country. Please check here for details.
It is mandatory for all students participating in activities overseas to enroll in the Overseas Students Safety Management Assistance Service designated by the Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and the Graduate School of Media and Governance (hereafter, the undergraduate and graduate schools), as well as a comprehensive overseas travel insurance policy that meets the requirements of the undergraduate and graduate schools.

Please refer to the following link for details.
Specific procedures will be provided individually after the recipients have been announced.


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Various Support Programs through Donations from the Masuda Educational Foundation

These programs are designated to support students with an international perspective and a desire to contribute to the future development of Asia by studying abroad in the Asian region.
In particular, research that will promote Japanese culture, history, thought, and technology in Asia and the Middle East will be prioritized.

Mr. Seiji Masuda, Masuda Educational Foundation
For more information about the Masuda Educational Foundation, please check here.

SFC Asia Masuda Research Project Support Program

<Eligible Students>
・Japanese students enrolled in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Graduate School of Media and Governance
・International students from Asian countries and regions
 (Application by groups is permitted)

[Important Note] Criteria for conducting fieldwork overseas
When traveling abroad for fieldwork or internships, it is necessary to make a comprehensive assessment of the security situation and other factors in the destination country. Please click here for details.

It is mandatory for all students participating in activities overseas to enroll in the Overseas Students Safety Management Assistance Service designated by the Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and the Graduate School of Media and Governance (hereafter, the undergraduate and graduate schools), as well as a comprehensive overseas travel insurance policy that meets the requirements of the undergraduate and graduate schools.
Please refer to the following link for details.
Specific procedures will be provided individually after the recipients have been announced.


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SFC Asia Masuda Study Abroad Student Scholarship

<Eligible Students>
Students who are enrolled in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Graduate School of Media and Governance, and meet one of the following criteria
・Candidates for the exchange programs (outbound) based on the university-wide student exchange agreements between Keio University and overseas universities
・Privately financed studying abroad students permitted as "studying abroad" by the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Graduate School of Media and Governance


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Subsidizing a portion of the costs for attending overseas language programs

<Eligible Students>
・Students in the Faculty of Policy Management, the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, or the Graduate School of Media and Governance, who participate in the overseas language programs during the summer or spring break.

 *The subsidy is only available to those who participate in the overseas language programs conducted by the SFC Language Labs. Details will be announced during the application period for each Language Lab.

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