Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
This page is a comprehensive guide which covers details of course registration, advancement to the next year, graduation, student life, and various information for students entering the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
Read this guide carefully as a companion to the University Undergraduate Rules and Regulation booklet you received when entering the university, and be sure that you understand the contents fully before registering courses.
It is important to bear in mind that you must accept responsibility for any disadvantages resulting from failure to check this page, K-Support, SOL, the Keio University Student Website, and information given during orientation, etc.
※Regarding tuition fees (p.9(d)), there have been some changes for the handling. Please check the announcement from the Office of Finance for the latest information.
※The Waseda-Keio Baseball Games scheduled for November 2 and 3 has been rescheduled for November 9 and 10. (8/22 updated)
Office, Contact Information and On-campus Facilities
Campus Map
Click here for the SFC Campus Map. For more information about each facility, click here.
Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs), 1F A (Alpha) Bldg.
This is the main office that provides information and assistance on courses, certificates, and lost and found items. Click here [Faculty of Policy Management/ Faculty of Environment and Information Studies/ Graduate School of Media and Governance] Office/Campus Facilities.
Student ID Card
Your Student ID Card certifies that you are a student of Keio University. Please be sure to carry it with you at all times as it is required in a variety of situations. You cannot complete any administrative procedures at the office counter without a Student ID Card.
A Student ID Card is issued as a set of three items: a printed plastic card, a registration sticker, and a card case. Apply the registration sticker to the back of the printed plastic card and keep the card inside the card case when carrying your Student ID Card around. The same card will be used until graduation.
Do not let anyone else use your Student ID Card.
Notifications and Applications
Click here for details on Transcript of Academic Record, Student Travel Fare Discount Certificate (Gakuwari), and other certificates.
・Student commuter certificate (to purchase a student commuter pass)
The procedure for purchasing a student commuter pass will change beginning in the 2022 academic year. Please follow the steps below to obtain a paper "commuter certificate" before purchasing a student commuter pass. The procedures for commuting to other campuses besides a student's main affiliated campus in order to take classes will be announced separately on the Keio University Student Website.
(a) Log in to the Certificate Issuance Service to apply for a student commuter certificate (access through the "Keio University Student Website" → "Procedures" → "Certificates" → "Information about Certificates" drop-down menus).
(b) Print the "Student Commuter Certificate" through a convenience store or a certificate issuing machine on campus.
(c) Fill out the required information such as the commuting route and present it, along with your student ID card, to the station office or commuter pass purchasing window in order to buy a commuter pass.
Lost & Found
Click here if you have lost or found an item within the university grounds.
Yakan Zanryu (Overnight Study) at SFC
Students who wish to study overnight for the purpose of curricular activities must first receive permission from the faculty members in charge. Only students who have applied in advance may stay on campus during the overnight study period indicated below (hereinafter referred to as "overnight study").
Be aware that permission for the overnight study will not be granted under any circumstances for exam preparations, club activities, job hunting, or other non-curricular undertakings.
Prior application is required. Please apply through the designated form ( auth.) by 20:00, on the day of the overnight study, and check your Keio University Mail ( for a copy of the application.
Overnight study period: 23:00-8:00
Notes: Security guards make rounds during the overnight study period, and you will be required to show them your Student ID Card. If you do not have your Student ID Card at that time due to the fact that you are borrowing keys, you should notify the security guard of this.
◇Always stop by the North Gate Security Office if entering the campus after 22:30.
◇Notify and get approval from family members or guardians for participation in the overnight study.
◇Refrain from the overnight study if you are feeling unwell.
◇In case of an emergency during the overnight study, contact the North Gate Security Office (0466-47-5111 or ext. 52190 or 52191).
◇The university may suspend or prohibit the overnight study without advance notice.
<Facilities Permitting Overnight Study>
◆Joint laboratories and individual laboratories (only students granted permission by faculty members)
Student Life Section, Academic Affairs Office, 1F A (Alpha) Bldg.
The Student Life Section provides support for various aspects of student life besides academics. Click here [Faculty of Policy Management/ Faculty of Environment and Information Studies/ Graduate School of Media and Governance] Office/Campus Facilities
⑴ Student Health Care Mutual Aid Association Medical Care Benefit System
This system provides partial reimbursement of medical expenses (insurance coverage) to students who visit a medical institution due to illness or injury.
Keio University pays for "Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research" and "Liability Insurance coupled with Gakkensai," insurance plans that cover students who suffer physical injury from an unexpected accident or bear legal liability for damages arising from inflicting injuries to third parties in the course of their educational and research activities.
⑶ Scholarship Programs
Scholarship programs provide assistance to students who have difficulties in pursuing their studies due to financial reasons, or to those who demonstrate particular excellence in their character and studies.
For details on available scholarships, refer to the Keio University Student Website.
Keio University Student Website SFC scholarships page
From the 2024 academic year, information regarding academic fees and expenses such as their amounts and due dates can be confirmed on the Student Payment Portal "Gakuhi Navi."
Payment of academic fees and expenses can be made via a bank transfer at a bank reception counter using the transfer form downloaded from Gakuhi Navi, or via ATM or internet banking using Pay-easy, tuition fees can also be paid by direct debit.
For students who wish to pay tuition fees by account transfer, please log in to "Gakuhi Navi" and complete the registration procedure via the "Web registration for account transfer" menu during the registration period in August or February.
Once the registration period to apply for direct debit begins, we will contact you at your registered email address on K-Support.
If you do not have a Japanese bank account, please pay by Flywire.
The billing schedule and payment deadlines for academic fees and expenses are as follows:
- Spring Semester
Billing Schedule: Mid-April, Payment Deadline: End of April
- Fall Semester
Billing Schedule: Mid-October, Payment Deadline: End of October
* Bank transfer forms will not be sent out from the 2024 Fall Semester onward.
<Application for Tuition Deferment>
If payment of tuition cannot be completed by the specified deadline due to unavoidable factors, an "Application for Tuition Deferment" must be submitted from the link above.
<Application for Tuition Reduction Due to Large-scale Natural Disasters>
Tuition may be reduced or exempted in the case a student has major difficulties in continuing studies due to their financial situation after suffering in a large-scale natural disaster. Such students should consult with the Student Life Section, Academic Affairs Office.
⑸ Facilities Outside Keio
① Accommodations Contracted by the Student Health Care Mutual Aid Association
In order to ensure that students have access to the accommodation at a reasonable rate, the Student Health Care Mutual Aid Association has made agreements with several ryokans (Japanese-style inns). For more details, please refer to the Guidebook for the Keio University Student Health Insurance Plan (Kenpo-no-tebiki) at the bottom of this website.
② University Lodge in Tateshina (off-campus educational facility)
The University Lodge in Tateshina is an off-campus educational facility in Nagano Prefecture, equipped with classrooms, outdoor fields, gymnasium, etc. A pamphlet with further details is available at the Student Life Section on the first floor of the A (Alpha) Building.
Extracurricular Activities
⑴ Student Club Applications
Student clubs that wish to register for officially authorized student clubs must submit a set of application forms each academic year. For more information on the procedures on how to register, contact
If the club is recognized as being suitable and conforming to the educational aims of the university, it will attain the status of an officially authorized student club. For more information on the procedures on how to have your club become an officially authorized student club, click here.
⑵ Use of Facilities
Student clubs may able to use the classrooms and sport facilities outside of class periods. For specific conditions and making reservations, click here. The PC rooms and the training room on the first floor of the gymnasium can be used by individual students.
⑶ Notification of Off-campus Student Activities/Overseas Activity Application
Any student club, organization, or Seminar (Kenkyukai) group wishing to engage in off-campus activities such as training camps, interscholastic competitions, and other similar events must fill out a Notification of Off-campus Student Activities, while an Overseas Activities Application must be completed when traveling overseas. The form/application needs to be prepared in advance on the Online System for Student Club Activities and must be approved by a faculty member in charge before it is submitted.
It is important to note that if no such notification/application is submitted, accidents or injuries that occur during the course of the off-campus activities may not be covered by the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research.
⑷ Group Travel Application Form (Group Discounts for Students)
Student Group Travel Discount Tickets are available for study groups and officially authorized student clubs of eight people or more for the purpose of extracurricular activities. In order to obtain them, a group travel application form (obtain at travel agencies or a train station etc.), a Notification of Off-campus Student Activities, and a list of names including the student's faculty and student year must be submitted to the Student Life Section, Academic Affairs Office.
⑸ Commuting Methods
① Commuting by Bicycle
Students who commute to SFC by bicycle must use bicycles that have been registered with the bicycle theft-prevention registration scheme and park in the parking lots located on the right after entering the North Gate(Campus Map). . If students do not come to the university for long periods, bicycles must not be left in the parking lot. Abandoned bicycles will be removed so please take personal responsibility for them.
② Commuting by Motorcycles
Students who wish to park their motorcycles on campus must first register their motorcycles with the Office of Student Services (Student Life) on the first floor of the A (Alpha) Building.
Abandoned motorcycles will be removed, so please take personal responsibility for them.
③ Commuting by Car
In principle, parking a car on campus is prohibited.
Students commuting by car should park off campus.
Monthly contracts for parking lots in the area around campus can be arranged at the Maintenance Office (Shonan Community 0466-48-8917) on the first floor of the A (Alpha) Building.
⑹ Locker Rentals
Students who wish to use the lockers located in the κ (Kappa), ι (Iota), Ω (Omega) Buildings, etc., should contact the Maintenance Office (Shonan Community 0466-48-8917) on the first floor of the A (Alpha) Building.Career Services Section (CDP Office), 1F A (Alpha) Bldg.
The Career Services Section provides services related to recruitment and career options. Click here for more information on the office's business hours.
The Career Services Section offers consultations to students regarding employment options, recruiting, and all matters related to future careers. All students can take advantage of these services. Furthermore, if desired, you can have your CV or entry sheet reviewed and undergo mock interviews. Individual consultations are available either face-to-face or online by appointment only.
(2) Orientation Events and Seminars
Numerous orientation events and seminars related to placements and careers are held on campus. Many of these events and seminars are open to all students, regardless of their academic year. Information on these events and seminars is posted on the notice boards on the first floor of the A (Alpha) Building and the applicable page of the Keio University Student Website (URL here).
(3) Recruitment Information, Accounts of Recruitment Experiences, Alumni Databases
Through use of the Keio Single Sign-On System (, recruitment information provided to the University by corporations and organizations, and accounts of recruitment experiences can be accessed from both on and off campus. Paper-based recruitment information ( Authentication Required) can be viewed on the Keio University Student Website page indicted above or in the Career Services Section. Additionally, alumni databases can only be viewed in the Career Services Section by students from the Fall Semester of the third year.
(4) Information on Internships
Internship information provided by corporations and organizations will be posted on the internship page of the Keio University Student Website indicated above. Internship-related information that has been received by SFC can also be found here ( Authentication Required).Many internships are open to students of all years.
(5) Loan of Materials Related to Finding Employment
Employment-related materials can be borrowed from the CDP Office for a one-week.
(6) School Recommendation System
SFC has its own university referral system primarily for students who plan careers in technology. Through this system, referral categories are set up according to job type such as R&D, system engineer, network technology, etc., and students selected through university screenings will receive an official referral in the name of the dean of their undergraduate faculty or graduate school. This system offers a variety of merits, including shortened selection periods and placements in a preferred department at the time of recruitment. On the other hand, those selected to receive referrals cannot withdraw once they have been chosen as candidates recommended by the university. The schedule (in Japanese only) for the university referral system is posted on the Career Services Section page of the Keio University Student Website (URL here) every year around December.
(7) Support for Students Who Wish to become Civil Servants in Japan
The Career Services Section offers support to students who wish to join Japan's civil service. For details, please refer to the Keio University Student Website (URL here).Center for Physical and Mental Wellness 2F A (Alpha) Building
Student Counseling Section
Student Counseling, Health Services
If you are experiencing any problems on campus, please feel free to visit the Center for Physical and Mental Wellness for advice and consultations. Specialist counselors can help regarding not only student life but also any personal issues or emotional anguish. Counseling in English is also available. All personal information will be kept strictly confidential. (Appointment required)
Health Administration Section
The Health Center (located within the Center for Physical and Mental Wellness) provides services including health management, medical care, health education, provision of health information, and environmental hygiene. Keio students can use the facility to receive, among other services, medical care for internal medicine, first aid such as for injuries, and health advice. When you feel unwell, please visit the clinic on any campus (you may also go directly to an external medical facility. There is also a Health Center on each campus. For details, please refer to the Health Center website.
⑴ Annual Health Checkup
Please be sure to undergo the annual health checkup, which is conducted once a year to review whether any considerations are necessary for students when they attend university. You are required to take the annual health checkup under the School Health and Safety Act and in accordance with the Keio University Rules and Regulations. Results of the health checkup are not posted individually. You can view the results through the on-campus portal site. We will announce when you can view your results, so please ensure to check the results of your checkup. If you do not take the health check, you will not be permitted to take physical activity and seminars on physical education. Furthermore, the "Certificate of Annual Health Checkup" will not be issued. Please refer to the on-campus portal site for the dates and venues of the health checkup. In principle, we do not conduct health checkups outside of the designated period.; however, please consult separately with the Health Center if during the designated period you will take a temporary leave of absence, are studying abroad, are prohibited from coming on campus because of an infectious disease stipulated by the School Health and Safety Act, or are unable to commute to the university due to illness.
⑵ Prevention of Infectious Diseases
There have been reports of infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough, influenza, and COVID-19 in Japan. Students who are suffering from an infectious disease specified in the School Health and Safety Act are not permitted to go to the university according to this act. Students who contract these infectious diseases should immediately report this to the university by filling out the applicable form on When students return to school after they recover, they must submit a medical certificate stipulating the day they can return to school or a Permission of Return to Campus certificate (which can be downloaded from the website) that has been filled out by their doctor. Depending on the infectious disease, students may require a consultation with a doctor at a Keio Health Center.
⑶ Contact in the Event of Sudden Illness or Accident
⑷ BLS (Basic Life Support) Seminar
The BLS Seminar, which takes about 45 minutes, is held at the Wellness Center. Students who wish to take part should refer to the Health Center homepage to confirm the schedule and contact the Health Center directly to make a reservation. For detailson making reservations for groups, including student organizations, laboratories, etc., please freely contact the Health Center.
Media Center (Library) M (Mu) Building South (Media Center)
The SFC Media Center offers comprehensive support for study, education, and research, including academic materials such as books, periodicals, e-journals, e-books, and databases, as well as facilities such as the sound recording and video shooting studios, AV equipment for audio and video, and the machinery installed in the Fab Space including 3D printers. It also provides an IT environment for computer equipment and networks in cooperation with Shonan Fujisawa Information Technology Center (Shonan Fujisawa KIC).
Please check the Media Center website for the latest information on opening hours.
Library Services
(1) Searching Materials <KOSMOS>
KOSMOS can be used to search for books, periodicals, e-journals, e-books, AV materials such as CDs and DVDs, academic theses, Japanese-style bound books, and rare books. Students can view a list of the materials they currently have out on loan, renew (extend) loans, and request materials presently on loan or held at other Media Centers via "My Library" on KOSMOS.
(2) Borrowing and Returning Materials
(3) Database NAVI <Database list>
Database NAVI is an online search tool for finding various databases which contain journal articles, academic papers, statistics, company information, newspaper articles, and more. It can be used by specifying the subject, type of document (whether domestic or overseas), and/or keywords.
(4) Consultations
① Reference Services
Provides assistance on how to use the library and search for materials as well as effective search techniques for literature and other information. Research lab groups and classes requiring seminars in the media center should consult with the Reference Desk.
② Writing and Research Consultants
Doctoral students and postdocs provide consultations and advice for students on how to go about writing papers and theses.
③ Database Consultants
Database consultants help students with use CD/DVD-ROM for databases provided by Media Center on the 2nd floor Database Search Corner and how to searching databases. (Weekday during academic semesters, 16:30 - 19:40)
Remote access to e-journals, e-books, and databases is available off-campus.
Multimedia Services
(1) AV Counter
Digital still and video cameras and other AV equipment are available for loan from the AV Counter. For questions on how to use AV equipment, edit images or videos, or about the FAB Space, ask an AV consultant (SFC student).
(2) FAB Space
In the FAB Space, you can use machines for fabrication such as 3D printers, a UV printer, a computerized sewing and embroidery machine, and a laser cutter.
(3) AV Booth Image and Audio Editing PCs
The Open Area on the first floor provides AV equipment, computers, and various AV material editing booths.
(4) Basement Studios
The Video Shooting Studio is equipped for video recording and includes ceiling-mounted lighting and a blue background curtain as well as an optical motion capture system for recording the movement of people and objects as 3D digital data.
The Sound Recording Studio has soundproof walls, a keyboard, a condenser microphone, headphones, a mixer, and other tools in addition to a PC with audio recording and editing software.
(5) AV Hall
The AV Hall is fitted with screens on all walls for multi-screen research presentations and lectures. The glass walls at the front and sides also function as whiteboards. The desks and chairs are all movable to allow the layout of the room to be changed easily.
Shonan Fujisawa Information Technology Center (Shonan Fujisawa KIC) 1F M (Mu) Building North (Media Center)
The Shonan Fujisawa Information Technology Center (Shonan Fujisawa KIC) handles the installation and management of computers, performs operations requiring administrator privileges, and provides students with related information.
Please check the Shonan Fujisawa KIC homepage for the latest information on opening hours.
(1) Services
(2) Campus Network System (CNS)
One of the features of the Shonan Fujisawa Campus is its rich IT environment. SFC has the latest computers and software to effectively promote advanced education and state-of-the-art research. The extensive information infrastructure that supports learning and research activities includes Wireless LAN that can be used throughout the campus, a VPN service allowing access from off-campus to the same network services that are used at SFC, equipment and software for editing media such as videos and images; and database and web services that are freely accessible.
This network system, called the Shonan Fujisawa Campus-Campus Network System (SFC-CNS), is an essential part of life at SFC. An SFC-CNS account can be obtained before entering the university by completing the online registration.
SFC-CNS is managed and operated by the Shonan Fujisawa Information Technology Center (Shonan Fujisawa KIC). This center is ready to help when students have any difficulties with the computers or network.
(3) Appropriate Use of Software / Illegal Uploading and Downloading
Websites and Email Accounts
This website provides an integrated menu of various services offered by the Keio Single Sign-On System.
The latest information, including notifications, calls to visit offices, and event announcements are postedon the top page. Check this page on a daily basis.
ID/Password: Keio ID/Password
This portal site provides all kinds of information for current Keio University students.
This web system provides class support for students. It has features for distributing class materials, submitting assignments, general notifications, discussions, etc.
How to log in: K-Support>Select"K-LMS"
Important notices from the university may be sent to your CNS email address ( or email address (, so please check your email regularly.
In addition, please use your CNS email address or email address when contacting faculty members or university offices via email. The faculty member or university office concerned may not be able to respond if you contact them from another email address.
Academic Calendar
Click here for the academic calendar.
Curriculum and Requirements for Advancement and Graduation
Course Registration
Classes, Exams, Assignments (reports)
Temporary Leave of Absence, Studying Abroad, Withdrawal from University
Faculty-based Program