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[Ph.D. Program] Forms to Submit for the Next Semester Enrollment

Ph.D. students who wish to withdraw from the program or extend the enrollment period in March 2025 must submit one of the following forms listed below by the deadline.

1. Forms to submit

Please choose one of the following forms considering the progress of your Ph.D. thesis.
*The "Report on Expected Completion of Doctoral Program" has been abolished since 2019. There is no need to submit it.

1)Notification of Withdrawal from the Ph.D. Program with the Completion of Course Requirements

This form applies to 3rd-year Ph.D. students who will withdraw from the Ph.D. program in March 2025 with completing course requirements - stay in the Ph.D. program for more than 3 years (except leave of absence period) and earn 6 credits for Graduate Research 2.

2)Application for Extension of Enrollment Period

This form applies to 3rd-year Ph.D. students who wish to extend their enrollment period for one year from April 2025 for the reason that they need more time to complete their Ph.D. thesis, etc. (Students who have already applied for a one-year extension from September 2024 in this July do not have to submit this application.) Application for extension must be submitted every year if students want to continue to stay in the Ph.D. program for more than 4 years. The enrollment period in the Ph.D. program can be extended up to 6 years.

Extension of enrollment is on a one year basis, but students may complete their studies in the following semester. When completion of the Ph.D. program is required, please apply in accordance with the Screening Schedule of Ph.D. Thesis. If you will withdraw from the program in September 2025 with completing course requirements, you will have to submit the designated form in late-July 2025.

Please note that a leave of absence taken during the extension period of enrollment will be considered as a period of enrollment.

2.How to submit

Please fill out a form, have it approved and signed by the advisor, then submit the completed form to the designated box at the Academic Services.
If you have difficulty getting to school, scan the advisor-signed document, and submit the PDF as an email attachment to the Office of Student Services.
(If you do not have a signature directly from your advisor, please get permission by email. Please submit the permission email and the documents you created together.)
Before submission, you are strongly advised to thoroughly discuss your thesis progress with your academic advisor and receive an approval signature.

3. Deadline for Submission

Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 4:45 pm

Please download the forms below.