Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
*This page is for Japanese nationals and foreign nationals who are permanent residents, special permanent residents, long-term residents, dependents, or child or spouse of Japanese national (permanent resident) at Hiyoshi Campus.
There are more than 100 scholarships offered by Keio University.
Depending on the scholarship which you are applying to, the application qualification, submittion period, application method, required documents, and selection method will differ.
Therefore, it is difficult to explain how to apply for each one of the scholarship. Please make sure to gather the scholarship information by yourself.
The majority of the scholarship recruitments and applications take place from April to May. Persons who wish to apply for some sort of scholarship should be careful not to miss the spring application period.
There is also online viewing data for scholarship guidance on this website. Please be sure to watch it as we will guide you through the details there.
There are 3 major ways to gather information about scholarships.
・Keio University Scholarship Information Guidebook
・This website
・Scholarship Information Website
Students should read through the Keio University Scholarship Information Guidebook when making an application for a scholarship. A PDF version of the guidebook is available via the links below.
*Japanese edition
*English edition (excerpts of the Japanese edition)
*These are scholarships for which students of Japanese nationality* are eligible. *However, students from overseas whose status of residence is Permanent Resident, Special Permanent Resident, Long Term Resident or Dependent may also apply.
Privately-financed international students are requested to check the International Center website.
Below are scholarships for which applications should be completed directly with the organization providing the scholarship without going through Keio University.
Note that scholarships for which students enrolled at Hiyoshi Campus are ineligible to apply may also be shown.
Use of Google Chrome is recommended. May not correctly display or operate if using browsers other than recommended (including older versions). Not compatible with Internet Explorer.
※The scholarship guidebook will only be published on the website.
(Distribution of the booklet ended in 2021.)
Information regarding the scholarship system at Keio University is also provided in the leaflet that is sent out after completing the admissions procedure, "入学後の行事と諸手続きについて (Schedule and Formalities after Completing Admission Registration)." New students should read through this as well, since it provides an explanation of the documentation that is useful to prepare before admittance to the university.
Schedule and Formalities after Completing Admission Registration (only the scholarship page)
・Persons who graduated from a high school overseas should submit a document that certifies their grades for each year.
・Make sure to turn in the latest certificate of income.
Don't forget to prepare for both of your parents. Only the original copy is approved.
(If you are single parents family, you only need to turn in either one)
Please be resposible for collecting information regarding scholarship by youself.
All scholarship notices (interviews, nominations, recruitment contacts, etc.) will be delivered from the tools below, so please be sure to check them carefully.
・Keio University Student Website
・「K-Support」 (information will be posted in messages and news on the site)
・ email (Individually set email address)
For inquiries regarding scholarships, please use the 「K-Support」.
If you do not receive a reply after 3 business days, please contact us again using the 「K-Support」.
※To prevent troubles, please refrain from asking questions over the phone.
・ Hiyoshi Office of Student Services (Opening Hours): Weekdays (Monday-Friday) 8:45-16:45
As a general rule, we will reply during this time.