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Keio University is a member of Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES), and through it Keio pays for "Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research," an insurance plan which covers students who suffer physical injury from an unexpected accident in the course of their educational and research activities. This insurance is for regular undergraduate and postgraduate students, research students, and short-term international students (MEXT scholarship students and designated exchange students only), Japanese Language Program students, and Keio International Program students. "Educational and research activities" means regular curricular activities on- and off-campus, participation in university events, and extracurricular activities (advance notification to the university is required for off-campus activities). Accidents that occur on the way between a student's residence and the university, and while traveling between university facilities, are also covered. However, "illness" is not covered by this insurance. In addition, depending on the number of hospital visits it takes to recover, you may not qualify for this insurance. If you have received any physical injury while engaged in the activities described above, please visit the Office of Student Services (Student Life Services).