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Procedure for Acquiring Doctoral Degree

Last updated: June 20, 2024

Degree to be Acquired

Students who complete the doctoral program in the Graduate School of Media and Governance will receive a Doctor of Philosophy or Ph.D. in Media and Governance.

Requirements for Completing the Doctoral Program

Students must fulfill the following requirements in order to complete the doctoral program and acquire a doctoral degree.

  • Complete 6 or more semesters at the Graduate School of Media and Governance excluding any period of temporary leave of absence.
    This does not apply to students who are recognized as having satisfied the requirements for early completion of the doctoral program.
    [Requirements for Early Completion of the Doctoral Program]
    Under Article 109 of the Keio University Graduate Rules and Regulations, students who have fulfilled all requirements for degree completion other than the period of enrollment and are recognized by the Graduate School Committee as having made outstanding research achievements may be awarded a doctoral degree by enrolling in the program for two or more semesters.
  • Earn 4 or more credits from "INDEPENDENT RESEARCH (特別研究)"
  • Satisfy the requirements as a doctoral candidate and pass the Dissertation Hearing and Final Examination, and then pass the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation conducted by the Graduate School Committee.

Procedure for Acquiring Doctoral Degree: An Overview

  1. Establish a Research Advisory Group

    Students should consult with their Main Research Supervisor (the Graduate School Committee member whom they asked to be their Main Academic Advisor at the time of application to the doctoral program) to decide the members of a Research Advisory Group within 2 months or so after admission. To establish a Research Advisory Group, it is necessary for the Main Research Supervisor to make an application to the Graduate School Committee and obtain approval. The Research Advisory Group supervises the students until the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.
  2. Satisfy requirements as a doctoral candidate

    Students must satisfy the following requirements to become doctoral candidates. All requirements must be met in order to establish an Academic Degree Evaluation Committee (apply for the doctoral degree).

    • Academic Requirements
      Pass the Original Syllabus Proposal, international research aptitude requirements, and Skill-building Courses. (Students in the Doctoral Program for Career Professionals are exempt from the Original Syllabus Proposal and Skill-building Courses.)
    • Teaching Experience
      Participate in and pass the Teaching Experience. (A teaching background gained at Keio University or any other university may be deemed as having satisfied the Teaching Experience requirement.)
    • Thesis Proposal
      Present the Thesis Proposal at the Graduate School Seminar and pass it. Please be aware, however, that the Thesis Proposal may not be conducted until the academic requirements are met.
  3. Satisfy requirements for applying for the doctoral degree

    Students must meet one of the following 4 requirements before establishing the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.

    Requirement 1 Students have 2 or more original peer-reviewed papers which have been published or have been accepted for publication in recognized peer-reviewed academic journals as the sole author or the primary author. One of the papers accepted with conditions will be deemed as equivalent to an accepted work, however, it must be accepted for publication before the time of the Final Examination. Papers that are scheduled to be or currently being submitted are not acceptable.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 2 Students have 1 or more research works that have been published or are scheduled to be published by recognized publishing companies.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 3 Students have 2 or more research works that have been accepted or scheduled to be accepted by recognized academic societies, and 1 or more of the works have won an award or have been confirmed to win an award.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 4 Students who do not satisfy any of the Requirements 1, 2 or 3 but have demonstrated truly unique research accomplishments (that embody the SFC spirit) and those achievements have been presented at recognized public occasions.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.

    Please note that if students have given a presentation as a lead presenter at one of the international conferences listed on the "List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals," it may be recognized as one of the "two or more original peer-reviewed papers which have been published or have been accepted for publication" described in Requirement 1. Please refer to the "List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals" for details.

    If a co-first authored paper is to be used toward completion criteria of a degree program (Criteria 1-4), written permission must be obtained from the other co-first author(s) to use the paper.
    The same paper may not be used by more than one person to fulfill the requirements to apply for a doctoral degree or for completion of a doctoral program.

    • The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will make an appropriate judgment as to whether or not it is appropriate to use the paper toward completion criteria of the degree program (Criteria 1-4).
    • The written permission (consent form) from the other co-first author(s) to use the paper should be as follows.
      (Description of contents to be included in the form)
      Please provide all of the required information as listed below.
      □ Article title
      □ A statement by the co-first author(s) consenting to a review of the article for the purpose of fulfilling the application requirements of a doctoral degree or completion requirements of a doctoral program.
      □ A statement by the co-first author(s) acknowledging that the article has never been used to fulfill the requirements to apply for a doctoral degree or for completion of a doctoral program, and that the co-first author(s) has consented to not using the article in the future for such purposes.
      □ The co-first author(s)'s signature (electronic signatures allowed) and date (date signed)

      (Submission method)
      Please submit the form via one of the following methods.
      □ Submit at the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) counter
      □ Submit by post to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) *If you are sending by post, be sure to inform us in advance by email.
      □ Submit as an attachment file via email

      (Email address / for further inquiries)
      Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (Graduate School Section) g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp
  4. Establish an Academic Degree Evaluation Committee

    To establish an Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, it is necessary for doctoral candidate students to submit the required documents, in addition to their Main Research Advisor making an application to the Graduate School Committee and obtaining approval.
    After the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee is established, the degree evaluation will begin. Students must pass the Dissertation Hearing and Final Examination, and then pass the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation held at a Graduate School Committee meeting. This process must be done within 1 year of the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.
  5. Conduct and pass the Dissertation Hearing

    After the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, students may conduct a Dissertation Hearing at the Graduate School Seminar. The Dissertation Hearing is a presentation that is open to the public, with its schedule made available on the website.
  6. Satisfy requirements for the conferral of the doctoral degree

    Students must meet one of the following 4 requirements before taking the Final Examination.

    Requirement 1 Students have 2 or more original peer-reviewed papers which have been published or have been accepted for publication in recognized academic journals as the sole author or the primary author. One of the papers accepted with conditions will be deemed as equivalent to an accepted work, however, it must be accepted for publication before the time of the Final Examination. Papers that are scheduled to be or currently being submitted are not acceptable.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 2 Students have 1 or more research works that have been published or are scheduled to be published by recognized publishing companies.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 3 Students have 2 or more research works that have been accepted or scheduled to be accepted by recognized academic societies, and one or more of the research works have won an award or have been confirmed to win an award.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.
    Requirement 4 Students who do not satisfy any of the Requirements 1, 2 or 3 but have demonstrated truly unique research accomplishments (that embody the SFC spirit) and those achievements have been presented at recognized public occasions.
    In addition, students have given presentations as a solo presenter or lead presenter at least once at recognized international conferences. Presentations may be given either orally or by using posters.

    Please note that if students have given a presentation as a lead presenter at one of the international conferences listed on the "List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals," it may be recognized as one of the "two or more original peer-reviewed papers which have been published or have been accepted for publication" described in Requirement 1. Please refer to the "List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals" for details.

    If a co-first authored paper is to be used toward completion criteria of a degree program (Criteria 1-4), written permission must be obtained from the other co-first author(s) to use the paper.
    The same paper may not be used by more than one person to fulfill the requirements to apply for a doctoral degree or for completion of a doctoral program.

    • The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will make an appropriate judgment as to whether or not it is appropriate to use the paper toward completion criteria of the degree program (Criteria 1-4).
    • The written permission (consent form) from the other co-first author(s) to use the paper should be as follows.
      (Description of contents to be included in the form)
      Please provide all of the required information as listed below.
      □ Article title
      □ A statement by the co-first author(s) consenting to a review of the article for the purpose of fulfilling the application requirements of a doctoral degree or completion requirements of a doctoral program.
      □ A statement by the co-first author(s) acknowledging that the article has never been used to fulfill the requirements to apply for a doctoral degree or for completion of a doctoral program, and that the co-first author(s) has consented to not using the article in the future for such purposes.
      □ The co-first author(s)'s signature (electronic signatures allowed) and date (date signed)

      (Submission method)
      Please submit the form via one of the following methods.
      □ Submit at the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) counter
      □ Submit by post to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) *If you are sending by post, be sure to inform us in advance by email.
      □ Submit as an attachment file via email

      (Email address / for further inquiries)
      Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (Graduate School Section) g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp
  7. Pass the Final Examination

    Before the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation, students will take the Final Examination at which all members of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will be present. The Final Examination will not be open to the public and will include an oral examination. Students will pass the Final Examination if they have satisfied the "requirements for the conferral of the doctoral degree" and the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee determines that they have a vast academic knowledge base as an independent researcher who is capable of drafting and executing novel research.
    Students must consult their Main Research Advisor and members of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee regarding when and how the Final Examination will be conducted. (No administrative procedures are required for the Final Examination.)
  8. Pass the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation

    After students pass the Final Examination, their Main Research Advisor may apply to have the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation conducted by the Graduate School Committee. Students must also submit required documents when completing the application. The Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation will be conducted at a Graduate School Committee meeting, and the final decision will be made by committee vote. After passing the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation and satisfying the requirements for completion of the doctoral program, students will obtain a doctoral degree.

Research Advisory Group

The Research Advisory Group will consist of one Main Research Advisor (Graduate School Committee member) and two Co-Research Advisors (of which at least one must be a Graduate School Committee member). The second and subsequent Co-Research Advisors may be faculty members who teach subjects in a doctoral program at other universities, or those who possess equivalent or superior research achievements. The Graduate School Committee members on sabbatical leave or study abroad will also be able to become a Main Research Advisor or a Co-Research Advisor if they agree to do so.
The Research Advisory Group will be dissolved once the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee has been established.

[Process for Establishing a Research Advisory Group]

  • Who should apply: Main Research Supervisor (Main Research Advisor)
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed.
  • Details to provide: Student name, student ID number, name of the Program the student belongs in, research theme, name and affiliation of Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors (state in the e-mail body text)
    * If a person who will become a Co-Research Advisor is not a Graduate School Committee member, please also provide his/her research field, degree qualification, and current position.
  • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting (within roughly two months after admission)

[Change in Members of the Research Advisory Group (only when required)]

  • Who should apply: Main Research Advisor (To change the Main Research Advisor, the new Main Research Advisor must apply while including the old Main Research Advisor in the Cc field)
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed.
  • Details to provide: Student name, student ID number, name of the Program the student belongs in, name and affiliation of former and new Main Research Advisor and/or Co-Research Advisors, reason(s) for the change (state in the e-mail body text)
    * If a person who will become a Co-Research Advisor is not a Graduate School Committee member, please also provide his/her research field, degree qualification, and current position.
  • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting (within roughly two months after admission)

Academic Requirements (Requirements as a Doctoral Candidate)

There are three parts to the the academic requirements: the Original Syllabus Proposal, international research aptitude requirements, and Skill-building Courses. (Students in the Doctoral Program for Career Professionals are exempt from the Original Syllabus Proposal and Skill-building Courses.)
In order to give a Thesis Proposal presentation, students must fulfill (pass) all of the requirements.
Please be aware that the Thesis Proposal cannot be completed if the academic requirements are not approved and the Teaching Experience is not completed (or not expected to complete it) at the Graduate School Committee meeting. This Graduate School Committee meeting should take place prior to the Graduate School Seminar in which the Thesis Proposal presentation is to be given.

Original Syllabus Proposal

Students develop a course that outlines their field of study in the Original Syllabus Proposal. The course should target master's program students in their first year. As the proposal is not intended to correspond with existing course syllabi of undergraduate faculties and graduate schools, students are encouraged to create an original course on their own.
Students need to think about what goes into and how to carry out lectures during the 15-week course, so that master's students will understand what is being taught. Students must compile an Original Syllabus Proposal (5 to 10 pages of A4 size paper), including the following details regarding their course: Themes, objectives, significance, content and reference literature for each lecture, teaching materials, methodologies, student assessment criteria, explanation of how each reference literature relates to each lecture and to the course as a whole, etc.
Evaluations are scheduled to take place twice a year, and students will be assessed on the following criteria: appropriateness of the course, appropriateness of the systematization of existing body of knowledge, creativity in the course structure, and clarity and persuasiveness of the course content.
If the Original Syllabus Proposal submitted at the time of admission meets all the criteria, it will be seen as having satisfied the Original Syllabus Proposal portion of the requirements as a doctoral candidate.

[Application Process]

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp)
  • Required documents: Original Syllabus Proposal (clearly write student ID number, student name, name of the Program the student belongs in, and name of the Main Research Advisor on the upper part of page 1)
  • Application period: (Spring Semester) May 7-10, 2024, (Fall Semester) September 25-30, 2024

International Research Aptitude Requirements

Students are required to have a certain level of aptitude for them to be globally successful in their research fields, such as by having the ability to use a language or give presentations. The Research Advisory Group will judge whether the students satisfy this requirement by holistically reviewing things such as presentations they made as a lead presenter at international academic conferences and scores on foreign language proficiency examinations.

Students need to submit an application to the Graduate School Committee and obtain an approval after fulfilling one of the requirements from 1. to 3. below:

  1. Meet the standards in one of the foreign language proficiency examinations below (in a language other than the students' mother tongue) and the Research Advisory Group evaluates their language proficiency and agrees that they meet the international research aptitude requirement.
    * If students wish to apply with a language that is not listed below, the Main Research Advisor needs to apply to the Graduate School Committee at the same time he/she applies to have the Research Advisory Group established.
    * Language examinations can be taken at any time.

    English Score of 213 or above on Computer Based TOEFL, score of 550 or above on Paper Based TOEFL, score of 79-80 or above on Internet Based TOEFL (including TOEFL-ITP test conducted at SFC), score of 730 or above on TOEIC, Grade Pre-1 or above on The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency, band score of 6 or above on IELTS
    German Grade 2 or above on Diplom Deutsch (German Diploma) in Japan, B2 or above on Goethe-Zertifikat, Niveaustufe 4 or above on Test DaF
    French Grade Pre-1 or above on Diplôme d'Aptitude Practique au Français, DELF B2 or above on Diplôme d'etudes en langue Française / Diplôme approfondi de langue Française (DELF/DALF), score of 450 or above on Test de Conaissance du Français (TCF)
    Chinese Grade 2 or above on 中国語検定試験 (Chinese Proficiency Test), Grade 5 or above on 漢語水平考試 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK))
    Spanish Grade 2 or above on Evaluación Oficial del Conocimiento de la Lengua Española, B2 or above on Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE)
    Japanese Grade 1 on 日本語能力試験 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)
    Korean Grade 3 or above on Test of Proficiency in Korean, Grade 3 or above on The Korean Language Proficiency Test
    Malay-Indonesian Grade B or above on Ujian Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia
  2. For languages specified by the Research Advisory Group (hereafter referred to as "specified language") that are not the students' mother tongue, the Research Advisory Group will comprehensively evaluate the students based on the conditions below to determine whether they meet the international research aptitude requirement.
    (However, in the case of English, students must also obtain a minimum score of TOEFL-PBT 500, TOEIC 586, or IELTS band score of 5 or above.)

    • Conducted oral presentations 3 times or more, including entire question-and-answer sessions, in a specified language as a lead presenter at academic conferences. (Presentations may be oral presentations or poster sessions. Also, oral presentations may include presentations given at international conferences that count towards requirements for the conferral of the doctoral degree.
    • Conducted field investigations, etc., using a specified language for more than two weeks.
    • Written research paper(s) in a specified language that have been published in journal(s). (The papers may include dissertation(s) or published material(s) that count towards requirements for the conferral of the doctoral degree.
    • Registered for and received credits in 2 or more foreign language skills courses in a specified language after enrolling in the doctoral program. (For English, this includes Project English, but excludes Project English A.)
    • Conducted an entire Thesis Proposal including a question-and-answer session in a specified language and passed it. (Must obtain the approval of the Academic Advisor and Research Advisory Group in advance.)
  3. Conduct a Thesis Proposal in English and pass it after being approved by at least 6 Graduate School Committee members (including Graduate School Committee members in the Research Advisory Group) as having met the international research aptitude requirement. In addition, write a Doctoral Dissertation in English and pass the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation. The students' mother tongue can be any language. (Must obtain the approval of the Research Advisory Group in advance.)

[Application Process (in case of 1 or 2)]

  • Who should apply: Main Research Advisor
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed.
  • Required documents: The evaluation results of the Research Advisory Group (clearly write student ID number, student name, name of the Program the student belongs in, and foreign language proficiency examination results, etc.) and supporting materials such as the original foreign language proficiency examination results or documents that prove the student's foreign language proficiency
    * If the supporting materials such as the original foreign language proficiency examination results or documents that prove the student's foreign language proficiency have been submitted to the Admissions Office at the time of application for the doctoral program, only the evaluation results of the Research Advisory Group will be required. Please mention in the e-mail that the original supporting documents have already been submitted.
  • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting

[Application Process (in case of 3)]
* An application must be submitted by both the student and his/her Main Research Advisor.
* The Main Dissertation that is to be submitted when establishing the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee and applying to have the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation conducted must be written in English.

  • [Application by Student]
    • Who should apply: Student him/herself
    • Where to apply: Main Research Advisor and Graduate School Committee
    • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor Cc'ed
    • What to include: State in the e-mail that the student will use the requirement 3. of the international research aptitude requirement to conduct the Thesis Proposal
    • Application deadline: At the same time as applying to have the Thesis Proposal conducted
  • [Application by Main Research Advisor]
    • Who should apply: Main Research Advisor
    • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
    • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed
      * State in the e-mail that the requirement 3. of the international research aptitude requirement will be used to apply.
    • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting

Skill-building Courses

Each Program offered at the Graduate School of Media and Governance specifies its Skill-building Courses. Students must complete one of the Skill-building Courses in the master's program of the Graduate School of Media and Governance, obtain an "S" or "A" grade, and submit an application to the Graduate School Committee.
* Students may apply to have courses taken while enrolled in either the master's program or doctoral program count as Skill-building Courses.

[Application Process]

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor Cc'ed
  • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting

[Skill-building Courses Approved by Each Program]

GR Research Concept and Methodology Courses, Program Courses, and Research Courses specified by the GR Program and taught by its core faculty members. A course must be acknowledged by Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques.
Other courses that are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques.
Other courses that are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques "DATABASE ARCHITECTURE", "MATHEMATICS AND LOGIC", "NONPROFIT AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING", "QUANTITATIVE FINANCE" in and before AY2021
Other courses that are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques
Program Courses, or courses acknowledged by other Programs as Skill-building Courses, which are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques
XD Courses that are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques
Program Courses, or courses acknowledged by other Programs as Skill-building Courses, which are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques
BIOLOGICAL NETWORK Singularities in Biological Evolution
Other courses that are acknowledged by the Main Research Advisors and Academic Advisor as suitable for acquiring research techniques

Teaching Experience (Requirements as a Doctoral Candidate)

The purpose of the Teaching Experience is to not only develop doctoral program students as researchers but to bring forth their abilities as educators. Basically, the teaching period lasts 6 months where the students gain experiences from a teacher's standpoint.
Instead of giving lectures that are directly related to the theme of the students' research field, the Teaching Experience allows the students to work on developing teaching methods and class contents for first year undergraduate courses or beginner's courses which may not be directly related to the students' primary research area. The Teaching Experience centers on giving lectures to students, and is not merely about conducting seminars or preparing course materials. What the university aims at is developing individuals who can independently deliver lectures, and the Teaching Experience is not determined by personal relationships with faculty members nor is it perceived as a form of assistance to faculty members. The Teaching Experience will be conducted in a course for which the application has been approved by the Graduate School Committee.

[Application Process]

  • Applicable Courses: Courses at SFC taught by Full-time Faculty Members including Visiting Lecturers, Non-tenured Full-Time Faculty Members and excluding Project Faculty Members. (Student cannot apply for courses that they are already registered for.)
  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • Required documents: Application to Undergo Teaching Experience in the Desired Courses (designated form) (clearly write student ID number, student name, name of the Program the student belongs in, and name of the Main Research Advisor on the upper part of page 1)
  • Application deadline: (Spring Semester) April 5, 2024, (Fall Semester) September 13, 2024
  • How to apply: Via Google Form (*Please check the K-Support for its URL.)

[Process for Conducting the Teaching Experience]

Students must be involved in the course for the entire semester and give 3 or 4 lectures as the sole lecturer in the presence of the faculty member in charge of the course. Students must develop an original course program containing teaching methods, class contents, etc., and obtain appropriate advice from the faculty member. Students will also be involved in grading the registered students taking the course, but the final grading will be the responsibility of the faculty member in charge of the course.

[Submission of Evaluation and Results after Conducting the Teaching Experience]

The faculty member in charge of the course is required to assess each student's performance as a lecturer and submit the Teaching Experience Evaluation and the Teaching Experience Report submitted by the student. The student should ask the faculty member in charge of the course to submit these documents in an appropriately timely manner.

  • Who should submit: Faculty Member in charge of the course
  • Where to submit: Graduate School Committee
  • Required documents: Teaching Experience Evaluation (designated form), and Teaching Experience Report (submitted by the student)
  • Submission deadline: (Spring Semester) July 11, 2024, (Fall Semester) January 21, 2025
  • How to submit: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp)

The Graduate School Committee will evaluate the Teaching Experience. Students who successfully complete the Teaching Experience will receive an honorarium for their work as a Teaching Assistant (excludes current Teaching Assistants already assigned to the course).

[Related documents]


Students who have a teaching background (either as a full-time or non-tenured faculty member) at Keio University or any other university may be deemed as having satisfied the Teaching Experience requirement if approved by the Graduate School Committee.
If students wish to apply for the approval, the following must be submitted after the end of the semester where the teaching took place and 9 days before the Graduate School Committee meeting:
Letter of acceptance, letter stating the teaching offer, syllabi, a copy of document(s) showing the course schedule, position, course title, course period, etc. (with student name and student ID number written in the extra space) and attachments such as materials used or distributed during class.

Graduate School Seminar (Thesis Proposal/Dissertation Hearing/Optional Presentations)

  1. Research Progress (Optional)

    When students get a rough idea of where their research theme and methods are heading, they may give an optional Research Progress presentation at the Graduate School Seminar. This allows students to obtain advice and comments from faculty members and other doctoral students before they begin their research in earnest, thereby benefiting their future research. The presentation lasts approximately 30 minutes, including time for a question-and-answer session.
  2. Thesis Proposal

    Doctoral Program students may move on to conduct the Thesis Proposal at the Graduate School Seminar if they have satisfied the academic requirements and completed the Teaching Experience (or expect to complete it), are more or less decided on their research themes and methodology, and have roughly completed the preliminary investigation on related research. This gives students an opportunity to obtain advice from various faculty members, and be evaluated to become a doctoral candidate. The second or third semester (including the first semester of enrollment) is recommended for those with the prospect of acquiring the doctoral degree in 3 years. The presentation lasts approximately 35 minutes (25 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for question-and-answer session).
  3. Thesis Progress (Optional)

    After passing the Thesis Proposal and having fulfilled the academic requirements, students have the option to present their doctoral thesis in the Graduate School Seminar. This allows them to receive advice and comments from faculty members and other doctoral students before the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, which will help them toward earning their degree. The presentation lasts approximately 60 minutes (35 minutes for presentation, 25 minutes for question-and-answer session).
  4. Dissertation Hearing

    After the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, a Dissertation Hearing will be held and evaluated in the Graduate School Seminar. If students pass the Dissertation Hearing and it is approved by the Graduate School Committee, they will take the Final Examination and be able to apply for the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation once they have passed it. The Dissertation Hearing lasts approximately 60 minutes (35 minutes for presentation, 25 minutes for question-and-answer session).

[Application Process (Research Progress/Thesis Progress)]

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors Cc'ed
    E-mail subject should be "Research Progress Application (MMDD)" or "Thesis Progress Application (MMDD)" with the Seminar date in parentheses. [Example: If conducting the presentation during the Seminar on February 3] Graduate School Seminar Application (0203)
  • What to include: State in the e-mail student name, student ID number, name of the Program the student belongs in, research theme, and summary of the presentation (in approximately 100 words), Class Format(Face-to-face / Online)
  • Application deadline: 14 days prior to the date of the Graduate School Seminar (Please keep in mind that the deadline will be moved forward if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday.)

[Application Process (Thesis Proposal/Dissertation Hearing)]

  • Who should apply: Main Research Advisor
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed
    Email subject should be "Thesis Proposal Application (MMDD)" or "Dissertation Hearing Application (MMDD)" with the Seminar date in parentheses. [Example: If conducting the presentation during the Seminar on February 3] Graduate School Seminar Application (0203)
  • What to include: State in the e-mail student name, student ID number, name of the Program the student belongs in, name and affiliation of the Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors, research theme, and summary of the presentation (approximately 100 words), Class Format(Face-to-face / Online)
  • Application deadline: 14 days prior to the date of the Graduate School Seminar (Please keep in mind that the deadline will be moved forward if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday.)

To conduct the Thesis Proposal and Dissertation Hearing, an application must be made as above, in addition to the student submitting the required documents as described below.

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors Cc'ed
    Email subject should be "Submission of Documents for Graduate School Seminar (MMDD)" with the Seminar date in parentheses. [Example: If conducting the presentation during the Seminar on February 3] Submission of Documents for Graduate School Seminar (0203)
  • Application deadline: 2 days prior to the date of the Graduate School Seminar (Please keep in mind that the deadline will be moved forward if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday.)
  • Required documents (Thesis Proposal): The research proposal must include the research theme, expected results, relationship with existing research results, list of bibliographical references, progress report, and any presentations at academic conferences, submission of papers, publications, etc. (approximately 10 pages, A4 size paper in PDF).
  • Required document (Dissertation Hearing): Main Dissertation (in PDF)

[Notes about Thesis Proposal]

  • The Thesis Proposal Review Committee must consist of all members of the Research Advisory Group. Six or more Graduate School Committee members (including those in the Research Advisory Group) must also participate in the review.
  • The presenter may prepare presentation materials by themselves besides required documents.
  • Those who pass the Thesis Proposal and are thereby approved by the Graduate School Committee will henceforth become a doctoral candidate. (If the Teaching Experience is not complete, students will become a doctoral candidate on the approval date of the completion of the Teaching Experience.)
    Those who fail the Thesis Proposal may give another presentation in subsequent semesters. (There is a limit of one presentation per semester.)

[Notes about Dissertation Hearing]

  • The Dissertation Hearing Review Committee must consist of all members of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee. 6 or more Graduate School Committee members (including those in the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee) must also participate in the review.
  • The presenter may prepare presentation materials by themselves besides required documents.
  • Those who pass the Dissertation Hearing and are thereby approved by the Graduate School Committee will be able to apply for the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation.
    Those who fail the Dissertation Hearing may give another presentation in subsequent semesters. (There is a limit of one presentation per semester.)

Applying to Establish the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee

When the doctoral research concludes and the preparation of dissertation, works, and other related materials are all complete, and upon judging that the degree evaluation may begin, the Main Research Advisor in the Research Advisory Group makes an application for the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee to the Graduate School Committee.
At the time, the Main Research Advisor informs the Graduate School Committee that [requirements for applying for the doctoral degree] are satisfied and provides an Abstract of the Dissertation, and obtains approval for the establishment of an Academic Degree Evaluation Committee. The approval date of the Graduate School Committee will become the establishment date of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee (date of receipt of the dissertation). Please note that the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation must be passed within one year of the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee. If not, the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will be dissolved.
It is not possible to establish an Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, if academic fees are not fully paid.

[Application Process (Main Research Advisor)]

  • Who should apply: Main Research Advisor
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • Required documents: "Confirmation of the Doctoral Degree Evaluation Form" (designated form)
  • Application deadline: 13 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting
  • How to apply: Via email to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Co-Research Advisors and student him/herself Cc'ed.
    Email subject should be "Application for Establishment of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee (student name)."

[Application Process (Student)]

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • Application deadline: 9 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting (Please keep in mind that the deadline will be moved forward if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday.)
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors Cc'ed.
    Email subject should be "Application for Establishment of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee (student name)".
  • Required documents:

  1. Data submission: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp)

  2. Original documents: Submit to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (send via postal mail or submit directly to the office counter)

    • B. Degree Application Form
      * Your degree choice (Ph.D. in Media and Governance/Doctor of Philosophy) approved at the time of establishing your Academic Degree Evaluation Committee cannot be changed. Make sure that you consult with your Main Research Advisor to decide on your degree before applying to establish your Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.
       [PDF] [Word][Example]
    • C. Curriculum Vitae
       [PDF]  [Word] [Example]

[Notes about Establishment of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee]

  • The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will consist of one Main Research Advisor (Graduate School Committee member) and at least three Co-Research Advisors (of which at least two must be Graduate School Committee members). The third and subsequent Co-Research Advisors may be faculty members who teach subjects in a doctoral program at other universities, or those who possess equivalent or superior research achievements. The Graduate School Committee members on sabbatical leave or study abroad will also be able to become a Main Research Advisor or a Co-Research Advisor if they agree to do so.
  • When the Graduate School Committee judges that interdisciplinary research requires higher assessment, such as comprehensive assessment of requirements for the conferral of the doctoral degree, the Committee may appoint an additional member other than those selected by the Main or Co-Research Advisor to the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee as a Co-Research Advisor.
  • No evaluation fee is required for the evaluation of the doctoral dissertation.
  • Please send the required documents via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) before the deadline and check if there are any corrections that need to be made. The documents must require no further amendments and should be ready in such condition and submitted by the deadline. The documents may not be accepted in case they are submitted in a condition that requires amendments.
  • For the international conferences described in the requirements for applying for the doctoral degree, there are no rules regarding the format of presentations. Students will be seen as having satisfied the requirement even if the presentations are given online.
    Students should immediately consult their Main Research Advisor in case the international conferences at which they were planning on giving presentations are cancelled or postponed. Discussions on how to deal with the situation will be held in advance during the Graduate School Committee meeting.

Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation

After passing the evaluation of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee and undergoing any changes deemed necessary during the evaluation, the Doctoral Dissertation is screened by the Graduate School Committee for the last time.
It is not possible to apply for the Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation, if academic fees are not fully paid.

[Application Process (Main Research Advisor)]

[Application Process (Student)]

  • Who should apply: Student him/herself
  • Where to apply: Graduate School Committee
  • Application deadline: 12 days prior to the Graduate School Committee meeting (Please keep in mind that the deadline will be moved forward if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday.)
  • How to apply: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp) with Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors Cc'ed
    E-mail subject should be "Applying for Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation (student name)."
  • Required documents:

  1. Data Submission: Via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (g-staff@sfc.keio.ac.jp)

    From the 2023 academic year onward, students are required to resubmit all documents (except "B. Degree Application Form" and "C. Curriculum Vitae") when applying for the final evaluation of their doctoral dissertation, even if no changes have been made to the application documents since the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.

    • A. Main Dissertation
    • D. Abstract of Main Dissertation (Japanese)
      * May be omitted if the Main Dissertation is written in English.
    • E. Abstract of Main Dissertation (English)
    • F. Main Dissertation index
    • G. Reference papers and international conference presentation materials
      * Each paper should be converted into a PDF file, and the paper title should be the file name.
    • H. Request for Approval Regarding Release of Doctoral Dissertation
  2. Original documents: Submit to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) (send via postal mail or submit directly to the office counter)

    "The "A. Main Dissertation (Bound Dissertation)" must be submitted. If there are any changes in the content of "B. Degree Application Form" and "C. Curriculum Vitae" after the establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, the application documents submitted at the time of establishment of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee must also be revised at the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) counter.

[Notes about Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation]

  • Please send the required documents via e-mail to the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) before the deadline and check if there are any corrections that need to be made. The documents must require no further amendments and should be ready in such condition and submitted by the deadline. The documents may not be accepted in case they are submitted in a condition that requires amendments.

List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals

Click here (PDF) for the "List of Academic Conferences that May Count as Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals (AY 2024)"


  • Students must give a presentation as a lead presenter in the "3. Applicable Period" and "4. Applicable Session Format" indicated on the above list.
  • Students who wish for a presentation they gave at a conference on the list to count toward the original paper requirement should first consult with their Main Research Advisor and Co-Research Advisors. They should then inform the Dissertation Hearing Review Committee thereof and undergo evaluation during their Dissertation Hearing.
  • A presentation given at an international conference on the list that is counted as one of the two or more original papers cannot be used to satisfy the other international conference requirement indicated in the latter part of "Requirement 1" under "3. Satisfying Requirements for Applying for the Doctoral Degree"

Application for Extension of Enrollment Period / Withdrawal from the Doctoral Program with the Completion of Course Requirements

Other Precautions

[Storage and provision of access to the dissertations at the Media Center (Library)]

Submitted doctoral dissertations (bound copies) will be made available to users at the Shonan Fujisawa Media Center as part of its collection. Viewing, reproduction, and borrowing services will be made available to users.

[Online publication of theses and dissertations]
Theses (doctoral dissertations) must in principle be made public on the Internet. For Keio University, theses and dissertations (full text or abstract) will be made available on the Keio Associated Repository of Academic Resources (KOARA) and at the National Diet Library. If you need to change the publication method due to circumstances after publication online, please notify the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) as soon as possible.

[Making an appeal]
Students may appeal directly to the Dean of the Graduate School if they have any objections to the research guidance structure (Research Advisory Group or Academic Degree Evaluation Committee) or the screening process. In such cases, the Research Advisory Group and the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee will not be informed that an appeal has been made, who is making the appeal, or the nature of the appeal. In the event of an appeal, the Dean of the Graduate School will investigate the matter as necessary and take appropriate action as soon as possible.

Schedule : Doctoral Program

AY2024 Schedule (Spring semester) : Doctoral Program

Teaching Experience / Original Syllabus Proposal

Application deadline: Teaching Experience 2024/4/5
Application period: Original Syllabus Proposal 2024/5/7~5/10
Submission deadline: Teaching Experience Evaluation / Teaching Experience Report 2024/7/11

Graduate School Seminar

Graduate School Seminar Application deadline
(14 days prior)
Submission deadline
(2 days prior)
(Thesis Proposal / Dissertation Hearing)
2024/5/15 2024/5/1 2024/5/13
2024/6/5 2024/5/22 2024/6/3
2024/6/26 2024/6/12 2024/6/24
2024/7/17 (Added on 2024/6/20) 2024/7/3 2024/7/15

Graduate School Committee Meeting

Graduate School Committee Meeting Establishment of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation International Research Aptitude /
skill-building courses
Research Advisory Group
(9 days prior)
Main Research Advisor deadline
(13 days prior)
Student deadline
(9 days prior)
Main Research Advisor deadline
(14 days prior)
Student deadline
(12 days prior)
2024/4/24 2024/4/11 2024/4/15 2024/4/10 2024/4/12 2024/4/15
2024/5/22 2024/5/9 2024/5/13 2024/5/8 2024/5/10 2024/5/13
2024/6/19 2024/6/6 2024/6/10 2024/6/5 2024/6/7 2024/6/10
2024/7/24 2024/7/11 2024/7/12 2024/7/10 2024/7/12 2024/7/12
2024/8/23 2024/8/8 2024/8/8 2024/8/8 2024/8/8 2024/8/8

AY2024 Schedule (Fall semester) : Doctoral Program

Teaching Experience / Original Syllabus Proposal

Application deadline: Teaching Experience 2024/9/13
Application period: Original Syllabus Proposal 2024/9/25~9/30
Submission deadline: Teaching Experience Evaluation / Teaching Experience Report 2025/1/21

Graduate School Seminar

Graduate School Seminar Application deadline
(14 days prior)
Submission deadline
(2 days prior)
(Thesis Proposal / Dissertation Hearing)
2024/10/30 2024/10/16 2024/10/28
2024/11/26 2024/11/12 2024/11/22
2025/1/29 2025/1/15 2025/1/27

Graduate School Committee Meeting

Graduate School Committee Meeting Establishment of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee Final Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertation International Research Aptitude /
skill-building courses
Research Advisory Group
(9 days prior)
Main Research Advisor deadline
(13 days prior)
Student deadline
(9 days prior)
Main Research Advisor deadline
(14 days prior)
Student deadline
(12 days prior)
2024/9/26 2024/9/13 2024/9/17 2024/9/12 2024/9/13 2024/9/17
2024/11/6 2024/10/24 2024/10/28 2024/10/23 2024/10/25 2024/10/28
2024/12/4 2024/11/21 2024/11/25 2024/11/20 2024/11/22 2024/11/25
2025/2/4 2025/1/22 2025/1/24 2025/1/21 2025/1/23 2025/1/24
2025/2/26 2025/2/13 2025/2/17 2025/2/12 2025/2/14 2025/2/17