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Adjustments to registrations for Hiyoshi courses (screenings/lotteries)

Updated: March 27, 2024

The flow of course registration


the notes on taking Hiyoshi Campus courses (available in Japanese only)
the guiebook for taking Research Center for Foreign Language Education courses (available in Japanese only).

① First Course registration Period

[Course restriction] Lottery planned → Courses planning to hold a lottery after the first registration period
[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students to be finalized → Courses due to conduct screenings of students accepted to register after the first-class session (hereinafter "courses screening students")
*The screening results are not included in "② Announcement of results for course registration adjustments."
[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students finalized (Registration accepted) →  Courses for which only the students accepted to take the course who registered in advance can take
*Note that you may already be registered for certain courses including mandatory courses.
[Course restriction] Not planned → Other mandatory courses, etc. (foreign language courses, courses with designated class groups, etc.)
*Please refer the Course Registration Guide for each faculty for more details.

② Announcement of results for course registration adjustments

[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students finalized (Registration accepted) → Courses that you are accepted to register
[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students finalized (Registration not accepted) → Courses which cannot be registered (not-selected after screening/lottery)
*Please delete courses that you are not accepted to register during the second course registration period.
[Course restriction] Lottery planned(Registration accepted) → Courses that you are accepted to register
[Course restriction] Lottery planned → Lotteries will be held when courses exceed capacity throughout the second registration period, and after the second registration period ends.
*For details, refer to "③ Second Course Registration Period."
*Students who have already registered in the first course registration period will be shown as "Lottery is scheduled(permitted)" and will not be included in the lottery, but will be confirmed as an approved students.
[Course restriction] Not planned → Other mandatory courses, etc. (foreign language courses, courses with designated class groups, etc.)
*Please refer the Course registration Guide for each faculty for more details.
[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students to be finalized
(Registration accepted)
→ Courses that are accepted to be registered
[Course restriction] Registration-accepted students to be finalized → Courses due to conduct screenings of students accepted to register after the first-class session (hereinafter "courses screening students")
*Please refer to "③ Second Course Registration period" below.

③ Second Course registration Period

Spring Semester: April 6 (Sat.), 18:00-April 15 (Mon.), 10:00
Fall Semester: September 28 (Sat.), 18:00-October 8 (Tue.), 10:00

The following two lotteries will be held if courses exceed capacity during the second registration period:
Lottery ①: April 9(Tue), 17:00-18:30

Lottery ②: April 11(Thu), 17:00-18:30

A total of three lotteries will be held during the second registration period: Lottery ①, Lottery ②, and a lottery held after registration closes.
**Exception: Hiyoshi online courses will only have Lottery ① and Lottery ②

List of Hiyoshi Spring Semester Courses with Screenings [PEARL](Released on March 27)

Automatic lottery + screening method: a lottery will be automatically conducted after the first round of registrations, and if the maximum number of course registrants is not reached, a second round of registrations will be held and an arbitrary screening conducted during the first-class session.

Important Notes