Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Beginning in 2024, GIC classes will be taught by two teachers with different disciplinary backgrounds and limited to 30 students. Please see new WEBsite.
Certificate of Completion for GIC will end in 2026. Students who enroll at Keio University after April 2023 will no longer be awarded the GIC Certification of Completion. While this certification will no longer be offered to new students from September 2023 onward, note that it is still possible to register for GIC courses. Each undergraduate faculty has a different system for registering for GIC courses, as well as different rules for how they factor into year-level progression and whether credits obtained count toward the total required to graduate. Make sure to read your course registration guide and syllabi carefully before registering for GIC courses.
Guidance for Students considering to take GIC courses
Workshop/Virtual Office Hours for Students taking GIC courses 【Registrations are now open!】
GIC Curriculum
※The ratio of Core Course and Research Course credits is not fixed.
※When taking multiple courses of the same course name and the same lecturer, only one credit for one course is calculated.
The "core courses" refer to fundamental subjects. They will be offered primarily at Hiyoshi Campus and SFC.
※For the handling of credits, please refer to the Website of GIC and the course registration guide for each faculty.
"Research courses" are equivalent to the major field courses and are taught in English (or other foreign languages) by undergraduate faculties and research institutes and centers. ※Some courses may not be accepted by the undergraduate faculty as graduation requirements.
(For details, please refer to the course registration guide for each faculty.)
Eligible Students
All GIC courses are open to all undergraduate students. English language ability is not a prerequisite.
However, students who are enrolled in an undergraduate program in which all courses from the first to the final year are delivered in English are not eligible for GIC accreditation.
Certification of Completion for GIC Program
※Note (make sure to click this link and read the contents)
Students who obtain 40 credits or more from among the courses offered by the GIC Center and GIC-certified Courses at centers and undergraduate faculties across Keio (over 400 courses in total) are awarded a certificate of completion in recognition of finishing the program.
ACADEMIC LITERACY (Spring Wed.4th, Spring Wed 5th, Fall Wed.4th, and fall Wed.5th)
This course capacity is about 80. When the number of students exceeds the capacity, students will be chosen by a draw.
All the courses are the same level of difficulty as regular courses taught in Japanese, so students should have the language ability to understand the course content in English. For more details of courses, please refer to the syllabus.
English language ability is not part of the selection criteria.
Students do not need to register for the GIC courses in advance. Please register for courses according to the website of GIC or the course registration guides for each faculty during the course registration period of each semester.
On the website, students can confirm the number of credits for completed courses and courses in progress under "Confirmation of course registration and completion of course requirements for GIC Courses".
All GIC-certified Courses, although they are registered under a specific type of course (e.g. General Education Subject, Elective Subject, and Optional Subject), will be calculated toward GIC certification.
However, when taking multipule courses of the same course name and the same lecturer, only one credit for one course is calculated.
GIC Center Course
Credits for ACEDEMIC LITERACY offered by GIC Center are handled differently at each faculty. Please check with your faculty for details. Please also note that registration numbers for GIC Courses are different for each faculty.
※For students of Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, please check with the Academic Affairs Office for your faculty for details.
GIC-certified Courses
※Note (make sure to click this link and read the contents)
GIC-certified Courses are as follows. Please note courses are different depending on the academic year. As some courses have restrictions on registration, please check the syllabus or the course registration guides for each faculty/center whether it is possible for you to register for the course, the procedures for registration, and how the credits will be counted towards the requirements for advancing to the next grade or for graduation.
Distance Learning
GIC-certified course, "Asia Workshop" (Fall Semester, Tuesday, 3rd Period) is provided as face-to-face class in AY 2024. The course will be provided to Hiyoshi campus students. For details and registration are as below.
Sign up here(9/20 Updated)
Confirmation of Course Registration and Completion
Confirmation of Course Registration and Completion of Course Requirements for GIC-certified courses is available on the website. Log in to and go to "CLASS" > "Confirmation of Course Registration and Completion of Course Requirements for GIC Courses". SFC students can log in to "SFC-SFS" > "Gakuji Web" > "GIC courses".
Accessible period
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion for the GIC Program?
Students who enroll at Keio University after April 2023 will no longer be awarded the GIC Certification of Completion. While this certification will no longer be offered to new students from September 2023 onward, note that it is still possible to register for GIC courses.
Will the certificate be issued immediately after completing the requirements for the GIC program?
As the total number of credits awarded are confirmed at the end of each academic year, the GIC certificate is not issued until April of the new academic year.
Can students use this certificate for job hunting?
Students may use the certificate at their discretion.
Center for Global Interdisciplinary Courses
Keio University
4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohokuku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8521
TEL: 045-566-1012
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00~16:45, except holidays