慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.


Student Affairs Center

* You will find important information pertaining to taking the above course here and are as such requested to read through it carefully.

Class/Grading System

  • This course will be conducted via the online e-learning system rather classes and semester-end exam in a classroom setting.
  • A total of eight class sessions have been prepared for this course. Each class session will be comprised of the three elements of "class video," "topic materials," and "confirmation test," and enrollees will be offered the option to click on a button to take the "confirmation test" once the class video and topic materials have been covered.
  • When they have completed the confirmation tests for all eight class sessions, enrollees will be offered the option to click on a "final examination" button. This test can only be taken once.
  • Once completed this will mark the end of the course and grades for the examination and course will be tallied.

How to take the class

  1. Access the URL on the right: https://kd.keio.jp/
  2. Log in to keio.jp using your dedicated ID and password
  3. Click on the box "Responsibilities and risk mitigation in the course of university life"

To repeat, be fully aware that it will no longer be possible to take either the course or the final examination once these periods have elapsed. Also note that there will be no makeup exams for this course. If you do not complete the final examination or achieve the designated passing grade, you will automatically be awarded an F (Fail).

In addition, the following points should be kept in mind when taking classes to ensure that the course is successfully completed.

Class videos will only be playable if Adobe Flash Player is installed on the viewing terminal. Even if Flash Player is installed, it may be blocked by the particular browser being used (Google Chrome, etc.). This should be resolved by doing a web search on how to enable Flash Player for the browser in question. * We recommend that you use Internet Explorer.

Please try taking the class in different environments such as on a dedicated university PC if you find yourself unable to view or take the course correctly. (We are already aware that it is not possible to properly view the course on the Media Center [Library] computers: you are requested to take the class using a PC in one of the Computer Rooms.) Also note that while it is also possible to use smartphones or tablet computers, be aware that charges and data limits may apply.

Last-minute attempts to take the class towards the end of the designated period (for example, several days in advance or the day itself) could result in unsuccessful completion of the course due to complicating factors such as PC or network issues.
Enrollees are advised to give themselves ample time to complete the classes and take the final examination in a timely manner as extensions to the course period will not be permitted.

Please promptly contact the below reception if there are any points about which you remain unclear.

Additional registration outside the Course Registration Period

Rules for additional registration differ by faculty, so please enquire at the faculty at which you are enrolled for details.

Impact on official authorization screening

As per previous notifications, the course registration status of executive officers is one of the factors on which decisions on applications for official authorization are based. If there are any extenuating circumstances around the issue of completing course registration, or if it is intended to complete additional course registration, please contact us to let us know, and this will be taken into consideration during official authorization screenings.