慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

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Master's Thesis Assignment

All students enrolling in the master's program at the Graduate School of Science and Technology must submit a master's thesis at the end of the program. This is the final assignment of "Graduate Research 1" and with the approval and presentation, the successful candidate will be awarded a master's degree.

Students who are expected to complete the master's program in March 2025 must submit their thesis and other required documents by the deadline. Please see below for the outline of the master's thesis assignment.

Inquiries regarding data entry will be accepted at the Office of Academic Services (1st Floor, #25 build.).

Master's Thesis Title Submission

November 5,2024 to November 19, 2024, at 4:00 pm
* log into "K-LMS" - "XX Master's thesis(XXXXXX)" - click "Master's Thesis Title"

  • Ensure not to insert line feeds or enter unnecessary spaces in the Master's Thesis Title field.

Master's Thesis Submission: Paper Version

It is unnecessary to submit a "Paper version" of your master's thesis to the Student Affairs Office.
Some centers or laboratories may require it, so please follow the instructions of the supervisor.

Deadline for Revising the Thesis Title

February 12, 2025

* log into "K-LMS" - "XX Master's thesis(XXXXXX)" - click "Master's Thesis Title"

  • The link to "Master's Thesis Title" will be unavailable after the deadline, November 19, but it can be reaccessed from Early December.
  • Please ask the supervisor to approve the thesis title by February 12, 2025.
  • Can revise the title any number of times before February 12, 2025. (If your research advisor has already approved your thesis title, ask to change it to "Non-approved". Then after you have revised the data, be sure to contact your supervisor to approve your thesis title again.) Even if the supervisor has already approved the thsisi title, Can be fixed the data, be sure to contact the supervisor to approve the thesis title again.

Master's Thesis Submission: PDF version

February 28, 2025, at 4:00 pm
* log into "K-LMS" - click "Master's thesis(The Center for XXXXXXXX)"
Click on " PDF version Master's Thesis "

  • The Media center will archive the PDF version. Please make sure that you submit the final version of the thesis.
  • The thesis title must be EXACTLY identical to What you declared in the title online.
  • The thesis in a pdf format must be arranged in order of "Title Page", "Abstract" and "Text".
  • Abstract in a pdf format must be arranged in "Title Page" and "Abstract".
  • Please note that the thesis will not be published in the following cases even granted permission for publishing
    -when the "Title Page" is missing
    -when the file is corrupted, or
    -when the characters are garbled.
  • Whether your thesis will be published or not is determined by the permission you granted in the "Master's Thesis Copyright Agreement Approval Form".


Sample Format for Master's Thesis

Permission Form for the use of Master's Thesis

February 28, 2025, at 4:00 pm
* log into "K-LMS" - "XX Master's thesis(XXXXXX)" - click "Permission Form for Use of master's Thesis"lease submit "Permission Form for the use of Master's Thesis" The form is available above.

"Permission Form for Use of Master's Thesis" must be approved by the supervisor before submission.


Questionnaire for Graduating Master's Students

To improve its quality of education, the Graduate School of Science and Technology carries out the questionnaire for the second-year master's students.

Please answer the questionnaire available on the website from February 3, 2025, to March 23, 2025. (tentative)

We will send a questionnaire page to the K-support message of the students who are going to complete the course. Please complete the survey.

Notification of Plans After Graduation

All students who will graduate in the 2025 Academic year are required to report any finalized plans you may have after completion.
Continuing studies or applying for qualifying examinations must also be reported.

Please visit the website below to complete your report.
URL: https://www.st.keio.ac.jp/students/career/guide/shinrotodoke.html

【Deadline】 Monday 24, 2025 (tentative)

Thank you for your cooperation.