Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Course-related Inquiries
For course-related inquiries or consultations, please visit one of the following offices that are relevant to you: Academic Affairs Office (Mita, Hiyoshi, Yagami, Shinanomachi and Shiba Kyoritsu Campuses) or the Administrative Office (Shonan Fujisawa Campus).
Please note that for all Faculties at Hiyoshi, the Faculty of Economics at Mita and individual Shonan Fujisawa Faculties, a study counseling period is held at the beginning of each semester conducted by Academic Advisors. Dates and time of study counseling periods are announced online and on campus noticeboards at the beginning of the semester. Be sure to check these to obtain the most recent information.
Office Guide:
Career Counseling
Students can discuss any questions pertaining to career prospects and/or job hunting with designated Placement Office staff members.
Frequently discussed topics include: self-analysis, choice of industries or occupations that fit one's profile, conflicts arising when unofficially selected for multiple jobs, health-related concerns, finding employment in one's hometown after having worked in remote locations, information-gathering visits to former Keio students who are actively employed, problems when job hunting, difficulty in finding a job, etc.
Students can receive an immediate response to general questions at the reception desk or request a private consultation. For more information regarding the application procedure and available consultation hours for private consultations, please refer directly to the campus websites.
Please note that career consultations or consultations regarding employment cannot be accommodated over the telephone. This is to prevent possible misunderstandings regarding inquiries which could lead to unexpected and undesirable outcomes. Please be sure to visit the Placement Office whenever necessary.
Health Counseling
Students can address any health-related issues with staff members at the different campus Health Centers. Please stop by one of the relevant Health Centers whenever necessary.
Assistance with Other Issues Pertaining to University Life
Life as a university student can be challenging and students can encounter a wide variety of problems including issues with academic coursework or extra-curricular activities, problems deriving from interpersonal relationships, certain personality traits, physical and mental health concerns, drugs and medication and general lifestyle issues. Instead of tackling each of these individually, students are encouraged to visit one of the relevant offices.
(the Student Support Section of the Administration Office)
Legal Counseling
In the event a student gets into trouble and needs legal advice, a lawyer is available to provide proper legal counsel.
With the exception of March and August, this service is available on afternoons of every third Wednesday of the month on the Mita Campus. For more information, contact the Mita Student Affairs Office or the Mita Student Counseling Room.
Harassment Prevention Committee
Harassment basically occurs when a student feels he or she is being subjected to damaging behavior by others.
Because the one who is being harassed is not the cause of the harassment, victims should not blame themselves or simply tolerate the abuse. Rather, they should strive to resolve the situation swiftly and prevent escalation.
Consultations with members of the Harassment Prevention Committee are kept strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to outsiders without the explicit approval of the consulting party. Students can therefore feel at ease and freely discuss any issue with Committee members.
Please make an appointment for an interview using the reservation Form. An interview location and the counselors in charge of consultation will then be arranged.