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Private Organizations and Local Government Scholarships

There are many scholarship providers recruiting scholarship students, including foundations, non-profit foundations, private corporations, and prefectural and municipal governments. Most of the scholarships continue to be provided to successful candidates until graduation. Keio University receives the support of approximately 140 scholarship providers on average every year.

It is presupposed that the application process for each of the scholarship providers, from the initial recruitment of applicants to the application itself and the acceptance of candidates, will be conducted entirely in Japanese. For further details refer to the 慶應義塾大学奨学金案内 (Keio University Scholarship Information Guidebook).

Only current students can view the scholarship outlines and application guidelines (requires Keio ID authentication).

AY 2019 Private Organizations and Local Government Scholarships: Outlines and Application Guidelines

AY 2019 Private Organizations and Local Government Scholarships: Outlines and Application Guidelines a Click here (keio.jp authentication)

List of Private Organizations and Local Government Scholarships in AY 2018 (Results)

This is a list of the scholarships that were available at Keio University during the 2018 academic year. Because the amount of the scholarship, the application criteria, the application periods, and the scholarships available may have changed in the 2019 academic year, students must ensure that they check the bulletin boards on the campus where they are enrolled. In addition to the scholarships stated here, there are also scholarships that are offered exclusively on specific campuses. Students should inquire at the scholarship section on their campus for further details.