慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

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Job hunting, careers, and related information

Reference materials (Placement and Career Resource Room)

There are many resources and copious information available on job hunting, careers, etc., at the Placement and Career Resource Room.
*You will be required to present your Keio Student ID card to gain access to the Placement and Career Resource Room at Mita.

Keio University Placement Guidebook

Keio University Placement Guidebook (mainly for humanities job hunting candidates) is distributed to students as the period for job hunting approaches.
This will be distributed at employment advice and briefing sessions and can also be picked up from the careers service desk.
*Limited number of booklets available.

Limited copies of the self-analysis tool PGIplus (career development diagnostic) are also distributed.
*A single set consists of an answer sheet and profile sheet (commentary booklet).

Job listings/company profiles

You can browse a large volume of information, including job-offer application cards received from companies and organizations, company guides (pamphlets), and information on briefing sessions by companies at the careers service desk or the Placement and Career Resource Room.
While you can browse internet-registered job-offer application cards on Job Vacancy Navigation (キャリタスUC) through keio.jp, it is also possible to browse paper files that are only available on hard copy at the careers service desk consisting of job-offer application cards which have been delivered directly from recruiters by post or e-mail.

Specialist files offering overviews by field including for NPOs (independent administrative agencies, aggregate corporations, foundations, etc.), educational corporations, and law, tax, and accounting offices are also available in addition to files on visiting companies received directly from recruiters in the form of job-offer application cards.

Information on changing employment track

Several years' worth of job-offer application cards for corporations and organizations with regional bases in Japan are filed by area. In addition to job-offer application cards, booklets such as those published by local authorities and Chambers of Commerce and Industry are also kept.
However, the amount of such information is somewhat limited. Most local authorities have permanent consultation counters for changing career tracks at local sites, which provide relevant information. Please look these up if you are considering changing career track.

Employment and careers data

Employment and careers data are kept for the preceding five-year period.


1. Top employers
2. Employment and enrollment by industry
3. List of companies with three or more persons placed
4. Number of Keio students who have applied and been qualified for national government officers
5. Number of Keio students who have applied for and passed the Bar Examination and the Certified Public Accountant Examination
■6. Employment rates by undergraduate department defined by Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan


1. Top employers
2. Employment and enrollment by industry
3. List of companies with three or more persons placed
4. Number of Keio students who have applied and been qualified for national government officers
5. Number of Keio students who have applied for and passed the Bar Examination and the Certified Public Accountant Examination
6. Employment rates by undergraduate department defined by Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan


1. Top employers
2. Employment and enrollment by industry
3. List of companies with three or more persons placed
4. Number of Keio students who have applied and been qualified for national government officers
5. Number of Keio students who have applied for and passed the Bar Examination and the Certified Public Accountant Examination
6. Employment rates by undergraduate department defined by Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan


1. Top employers
2. Employment and enrollment by industry
3. List of companies with three or more persons placed
4. Number of Keio students who have applied and been qualified for national government officers
5. Number of Keio students who have applied for and passed the Bar Examination and the Certified Public Accountant Examination
6. Employment rates by undergraduate department defined by Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan


1. Top employers
2. Employment and enrollment by industry
3. List of companies with three or more persons placed
4. Number of Keio students who have applied and been qualified for national government officers
5. Number of Keio students who have applied for and passed the Bar Examination and the Certified Public Accountant Examination
6. Employment rates by undergraduate department defined by Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan

Job hunting resources and tools

Three systems are in place as tools and resources for job hunting.

*The Senior Alumni Visits System and Job Vacancy Navigation (キャリタスUC) may be used by students from the fall semester in the academic year preceding the year of their graduation or course completion.
*September 2020 and March 2021 graduates: From AY 2019 fall semester till program completion
*September 2021 and March 2022 graduates: From AY 2020 fall semester till program completion