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慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

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Semester-end / Makeup Exams

AY 2024 Fall Semester-end Examinations and Makeup Examinations Schedule

AY 2024 Fall Semester-end Examinations Timetable (For PEARL Students)

  1. Examinations will be held separately for each of the lecturers in charge of courses. Please check the examination timetable for the instructor's name, date, period, course, and examination room. Also because there is a possibility that examination timetable is different from regular classes, so be sure to confirm the examination timetable on your own responsibility.
  2. The bell schedule for the examinations is different from the schedule for regular classes. The timing of the bell also differs between campuses. Please make sure to check the bell schedule.
  3. Please check the examinations timetable for "Items permitted" in each course.
  4. Additions or changes may be made to either the examinations timetable or the criteria for personal belongings. Please regularly check the Student Website, "News" on K-Support and "K-LMS".
  5. In cases of severe weather, either the start times or dates of examinations may also be changed. If a change to the start time or the date of an examination cannot be avoided, it will be announced on the Student Website and "News" on K-Support.
  6. In cases of overlapping examination period (including overlaps between the timetables of Hiyoshi and other campuses), please check the section on "Handling Cases of Overlapping Examination Period (Overlapping Examinations)."
  7. Do not merely check the information for examinations once, and be sure to check again just before the semester-end examinations begin.

Please confirm the Semester-end Examinations Timetable for each of your registered courses at K-LMS.
(How to check) K-LMS>Tools>Exam Timetable

AY 2024 Fall Semester-end Examinations Timetable (For PEARL Students) <January 9 (Thu) 10:00> 

※The operation may differ for courses offered at other campuses. For details, please check the information for each campus

Notation of Timetable

  • If the examination for a course is due to be held in several different examination rooms, the faculty, year level, class group of examinees, and instructor's name will be stated in the student assigned column so that students are able to identify the examination room where their examination will take place.

①Faculty names are abbreviated. In the case of the Faculty of Law, the Department of Law and the Department of Political Sciences will be indicated by the abbreviations of "Law" (法律) and "Politics"(政治) respectively.

  • [e.g.] Economics, Law, Politics (経、法律、政治) → Students registered at the Faculty of Economics, the Department of Law in the Faculty of Law, and the Department of Political Sciences in the Faculty of Law will, irrespective of year level, take the examination in the specified examination room.

②Information for students who are not registered at the faculty or department of the course, graduate school students, students affiliated with the various research institutes and centers, students enrolled in the Program for Postgraduate Certification of Education students, Japanese Language Program students, and examinees due to enroll at the university (graduates of the Keio Academy of New York and graduates of Keio's affiliated high schools who have utilized the "Course Registration System before the entering the university for PEARL, the Faculty of Economics", etc.) will be indicated in "Other"(その他).

③If examination rooms are allocated according to the year level of the students, this will be shown as a number after the abbreviation of the faculty name.
[e.g.] Law 1/2 (法律1・2) → First- and second-year students of the Department of Law will take the examination in the specified examination room.

④If there are katakana, letters of the alphabet, or numbers written after the year level, this indicates the student's class.
[e.g.] Commerce 2 E, Ka-Ku (商2 エ・カ〜ク) → Year 2 students of class E (エ), and classes Ka (カ), Ki (キ), and Ku (ク) of the Faculty of Business and Commerce(商) will take the examination in this examination room.

⑤You are requested to sit the examination in the examination room of the Subject Coordinator for the course in which you are enrolled if the name of the person is noted in the examination room breakdown column.
[e.g.] (Subject Coordinator A) Science 1 A - No(理1 ア~ノ) → Of the students taking Subject Coordinator A's course Group A(ア) - No(ノ)first-year Faculty of Science and Technology students will sit the exam in this examination room.

Makeup Examinations

AY 2024 Fall Semester-end Makeup Examinations (For PEARL Students)

Makeup examinations are held for students who, due to unavoidable reasons such as illness or unexpected accidents, were unable to take the semester-end examinations. Applicable courses include all of the courses that were examined during the semester-end examinations period (however, this excludes foreign language courses). In order to take a makeup examination, it is necessary for students to complete the prescribed procedures. Please confirm the instructions for these procedures below. Please note that students will be generally required to submit documents proving that they were not able to take semester-end examinations. If there is anything you are unclear about the makeup examinations, please consult with the staff in charge of your faculty at the Hiyoshi Office of Student Services.

*Under no circumstances will a second makeup examination be held regardless of the reason. Students should take into account the possibility of train delays when commuting to the university and leave home with plenty of time.

*The makeup examinations timetable will be viewed using the links below. Please check the upper link for PEARL courses instructed in English. If you have also registered for courses instructed in Japanese, please check the lower link as well.

*Because additions or revisions may be made to either the timetable or the criteria for personal belongings during examinations, please be sure to regularly check the Student Website and "News" on K-Support.

  • AY 2024 Fall Semester-end Makeup Examinations Timetable <February 17 (Mon) 18:00>
*Only the courses that will be examined during the makeup examinations period are listed on the examinations timetable.
*For the courses in which the examination format is a report, or for examinations conducted outside of the makeup examinations period, please regularly check K-LMS for instructions directly from the lecturer.
*The bell schedule for the makeup examinations is different from the schedule for regular classes. The timing of the bell also differs between campus. Please check the Bell Schedule.


◆Makeup Examination Applications◆

Period : January 9 (Thu)- February 5 (Wed) 11:30 (Strict observance of the time limit is required)

◆Announcement of Makeup Examination Timetable◆

Date and Time : February 17 (Mon) 18:00
Location : Student Website for "Semester-end / Makeup Exams"

◆Makeup Examinations Period◆

Date : February 20 (Thu), 21 (Fri), 22 (Sat)

Application Procedures

  1. Applicable Courses
    All courses examined during the Fall Semester-end Examinations period (excluding foreign language courses)
  2. Application Criteria
    Students who, due to unavoidable reasons such as illness and unexpected accidents, were unable to take the semester-end examinations.
    * If students have to vacate the examination room after start of exam due to becoming unwell, etc., they will not be eligible to apply for a makeup examination.
  3. Procedures
    Because the application procedures differ among faculties, please be sure to check the instructions below.

* Students of other campuses (those not affiliated to Hiyoshi Campus) should apply at their main campus. Application deadlines vary with the Campus the course is offered.
The final decision on whether students will be allowed to take a makeup examination will be made by their faculty.


  • Once the application period has concluded, no further applications will be accepted whatever the reason.
  • Applications for a makeup examination resulting from a transportation delay will, in principle, only be accepted on the day of the examination.

4. Examination Fee
¥2,000 per course

Precautions for Makeup Examinations

  • Because new information concerning changes to the examinations timetable, criteria for items permitted in each examination, and examination precaution, etc., will be updated as necessary, students should regularly check the Student Website and "News" on K-Support.
  • Students must bring their student ID cards with them to the examination room. Under no circumstances will students without either a student ID card or a temporary ID card be permitted to take makeup examinations. If students do not have their student ID cards on the day of the examination, they must obtain a temporary ID card issued at the Information Desk of the Hiyoshi Office of the Student Services. Students will be charged 500 yen to issue a temporary ID card.
  • Students must bring their Makeup Examination Slip (For Students). In certain cases, students who do not have their Makeup Examination Slip (For Students) will not be permitted to take the makeup examination.
  • No items other than student ID cards, writing utensils, watches (excluding those with communication or recording functions), and approved personal belongings should be placed on the desk during examinations. All non-approved items must be put into bags, etc., and placed under the desk by the student's feet. Writing utensils are to be taken out of pencil-cases or pen-boxes, which must also be put away. Students should also make sure that there is nothing inside of the desk they have been allocated.
  • Students are not permitted to use computers, electronic dictionaries, or any other devices with communication capabilities (Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, wearable devices (such as smartwatches) etc.). Students must completely switch off these devices and put them away into their bags. Use of these devices as clocks is not permitted. Students are not allowed to touch these devices until the examination has finished and they have received permission to vacate the room. If students touch any of these devices, even if not actually used, they will be deemed as having committed an act of academic misconduct.
  • The use of writing mats is prohibited. Please notify a proctor if there are scratches on the surface of the desk or any other defaults making it difficult for you to write your answers.
  • To ensure that no one commits acts of academic misconduct, or any acts that may be mistakenly construed as misconduct, students should approach examinations with an appropriate attitude and mindset. All acts of academic misconduct will be severely punished.
  • Seating is allocated by course. Students should sit at the desk stated on the seating tables displayed on the board in front of the examination rooms.
  • The examination proctors will go around and check the student ID cards of examinees each time period. Please remove your student ID card or temporary ID card from its case and place it face-up on the desk near the aisle so that the proctors are able to see your portrait photograph.
  • The attendance of examinees will be taken each time period. An attendance sheet (allocated according to course) will be handed around to all students, starting from the front row. Please fill out your details and pass it to the person seated behind you.
  • Students who do not submit their answer sheets or any other materials that they have been instructed to hand in will be deemed as having committed an act of academic misconduct. Please ensure that these items are handed over when the proctors come around to collect them. Students must also make sure that they have filled in their full name and student ID number on the answer sheet. In principle, answer sheets without either of these details will not be graded.
  • In cases of late arrival, students will be permitted to enter the examination room up to 20 minutes after start of exam. No extensions will be made to the finishing time of the examination. Students who arrive later than 20 minutes after start of exam will not be allowed to take the examination.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the examination room after start of exam.
  • From period 2 onwards, students will not be able to enter the examination room until the examination proctors from the previous time period have vacated the room.

Handling Cases of Overlapping Examination Period (Overlapping Examinations)

The semester-end examinations timetable is different to the standard class timetable. There are cases when the examinations for two courses a student has registered for are set during the same time period on the same day, or the timing of the examinations held at Hiyoshi and another campus overlap. Students should check the semester-end examinations timetable as quickly as possible and, following the instructions stated below, carry out the necessary procedures when there is an overlap in examination times.

Overlapping Examination Period for Two Hiyoshi Campus Courses

It is possible to take either "Overlapping Examinations (※refer below)" or a "Makeup Examination." In either case, students will need to apply in advance. Because the makeup examinations do not take place until the beginning of August, and the fact that no second makeup examinations will be held even for students unable to attend due to illness or train delays, etc., it is recommended that students apply for "Overlapping Examinations."

Overlapping Examinations ※ Makeup Examinations
Application Deadline January 16 (Thu) 16:45 February 5 (Wed) 11:30
How to apply Hiyoshi Office of Student Services Information Desk Hiyoshi Office of Student Services Faculty Counters
Date of Examinations Date of the Semester-end Examinations for Registered Courses February 20 (Thu), 21 (Fri), 22 (Sat)
Announcement of Timetable January 21 (Tue) 8:45 onwards February 17 (Mon) 18:00

※ Overlapping Examinations

There are sometimes cases when the examinations for two courses a student has registered for are set during the same period on the same day. In such cases, it is possible for the student to apply for "Overlapping Examinations" in order to take both examinations on the same day in a different examination room from the original.

Overlapping Examination Period for Hiyoshi Courses and Courses held at other Campuses

  • If semester-end examinations overlap for Hiyoshi courses and non-Hiyoshi courses, take the semester-end examination for the Hiyoshi course within the examination period, and then apply to take a makeup examination for the non-Hiyoshi course.
  • For details on makeup examinations, please check with your faculty office.
  • Even when the time periods set for the examinations timetables of Hiyoshi and Mita campuses differ, if there is only 60 minutes or less between the start and finish of the respective examinations held on these campuses, these examinations will be regarded as overlapping.

Examples of Overlapping Examination Period between Mita and Hiyoshi

  • Period 3 of Hiyoshi and Periods 2 of Mita overlap.
  • Period 6 of Hiyoshi and Period 4 of Mita overlap.
  • Period 2 of Hiyoshi and Period 3 of Mita do not overlap.

How to apply for Makeup Examinations for an Overlapping Examination (Hiyoshi)

    Please refer to the section "Makeup Examinations."

Bell Schedule for Semester-end and Makeup Examinations (Hiyoshi)

Assembly TimeBell for Start TimeBell for Finish Time

Period 1




Period 2




Period 3




Period 4




Period 5




Period 6




Period 7




※ The bell schedule for the examinations is different from the schedule for regular classes [The timing also differs between campuses.]
※ These times do not apply to examinations longer than 50 minutes.

Important Notes for Semester-end Examinations

Academic Misconduct

1. To ensure that no one commits acts of academic misconduct, or any acts that may be mistakenly construed as misconduct, students should approach examinations with an appropriate attitude and mindset.

2. Any act of academic misconduct related to the semester-end examinations, in-class examinations, assignments and short quizzes given during classes will be dealt with severely under Article 188 of the Undergraduate Rules and Regulations and the Regulations of the Faculty of Economics.

[Undergraduate Rules and Regulations, Article 188 (excerpt)]
A person who breaches these regulations or other regulations of the University established hereunder, or who neglects his/her studies, infringes the dignity of the University or others, or otherwise engages in behavior not befitting of a student shall be punished, according to the circumstances of the offense, by reprimand, deduction of marks, suspension, or expulsion.

3. Academic misconduct includes acts of cheating in examinations, writing (or asking someone to write) answer sheets on someone's(or the student's)behalf, taking examination papers home, and intentionally disobeying the instructions of the examination proctors.
When attending an examination, avoid any misleading behavior that could be mistakenly construed as an act of academic misconduct.

4. In addition, the following actions in assignments are considered instances of academic misconduct: acts of writing (or asking someone to write) on someone's (or the student's) behalf, plagiarism (copying and pasting without indicating sources), manipulation and fabrication of data and any similar deeds.
Plagiarism in written assignments and theses is considered an act of academic misconduct. Using others' opinions and writings without indicating the reference will be considered fraudulent, even if the act of plagiarism is not intentional. This is considered to be the equivalent of cheating in semester-end and in-class examinations or an even more serious offence, and the student will be subject to disciplinary action.

(Precautions for writing assignments and theses)
Along with the semester-end examinations and in-class examinations, written assignments (including graduation theses)are important proof of your accomplishments at university.
Any references made from particular sources must be clearly distinguished from your own viewpoints and properly cited.
The most important points with regard to writing papers are as follows:

1. Clearly distinguish your own opinions from that of others.

2. Clearly indicate the references for quotations or when referring to or citing works of others(failure to indicate a reference is considered to be an act of plagiarism).

3. For quotations, write every single word including typographical errors.

4. Follow the rules for citations.

5. When referring to information from the Internet, clearly indicate the URL, the title of the web page, and the date when you accessed the page.

Please try to learn the generally accepted methods for using citations from the Course Registration Guide.

Student ID Cards

  1. Students must bring their student ID cards with them when taking the semester-end examinations. If students have lost their student ID cards, they must consult with the staff members in charge of Office of Student Services at their main campus in order to have a new card issued before the start of the examinations period.
  2. Students without either a student ID card or a temporary ID card will not be permitted to take the examination. If students do not have their student ID cards on the day of the examination, they must obtain a temporary ID card issued at the Information Desk of the Hiyoshi Office of Student Services (issue fee of 500 yen; only valid on the day of issue).
  3. Each time period, the examination proctors will come around and make sure that the student ID cards displayed belong to the examinees. During examinations, students must remove their student ID cards or temporary ID cards from their cases. Students sitting by the aisles must place their student ID cards or temporary ID cards on the side of the desk facing the aisle, while all other students must place their cards at the top right-hand corner of their own desks (directly in front of them) so that the examination proctors are able to confirm the portrait photographs.

Entering and Exiting Examination Rooms

  1. Students will not be able to enter the examination room for the next time period until the examination proctors from the previous time period have vacated the room.
  2. Students must remain silent in front of the examination rooms.
  3. Students who arrive late will be able to take the examination if they enter the room within 20 minutes after start of exam. However, no extensions will be made to the allotted time of the examination. If the cause for a student arriving late is recognized as a legitimate reason for taking a makeup examination, such as a train delay, etc., the student concerned may decide whether to take the examination on that day or instead take a makeup examination. Even if the reason for arriving late is a train delay, etc., if they decide to enter the room and take the examinations, they will no longer be eligible to apply for a makeup examination. Furthermore, applications for a makeup examination resulting from a transportation delay will, in principle, only be accepted on the day of the examination.
  4. Students will not be permitted to leave the examination room after start of exam. (Excluding those who leave the examination room in the middle of examination due to illness,etc.)

Taking Personal Belongings into the Examination Room

  1. No items other than student ID cards, writing utensils, and approved personal belongings should be placed on the desk during examinations. All non-approved items must be put into bags, etc., and placed under the desk by the student's feet. Writing utensils are to be taken out of pencil-cases or pen-boxes, which must then be put away. Students should also make sure that there is nothing inside of the desk.
  2. Students are not permitted to use computers, electronic dictionaries, or any other devices with communication capabilities (Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, wearable devices (such as smartwatches) etc.). Students must completely switch off these devices and put them away into their bags. Use of these devices as clocks is not permitted, either. Students are not allowed to touch these devices until the examination has finished and they have received permission to vacate the room. If students touch any of these devices, even if not actually used, they will be deemed as having committed an act of academic misconduct.
  3. The use of writing mats is prohibited. Please notify a proctor if there are scratches on the surface of the desk or any other defaults making it difficult for you to write your answers.


  1. Students should sit directly behind the person in front of them so that there are no empty seats. However, to ensure that no students sit directly next to each other, one person will sit at a two-person desk, two people at a four-person desk and three people at a five-person desk.
  2. Because examinations for required subjects take place according to class, students should follow the instructions of the examination proctors.

Attendance Sheet

Each time period, the attendance of examinees will be taken.
An attendance sheet will be handed out to all students, starting from the front row. Please fill out the necessary details and pass it to the person seated behind you.
Please bring sanitizing wipes with you if you are concerned about hand hygiene.

Answer Sheets

  1. Students must ensure that they fill out their full name and student ID number on the answer sheets. In principle, answer sheets without either of these details will not be graded.
  2. Each student will in principle receive one answer sheet.
  3. The answer sheets must be handed in when the examination proctors come around to collect them. Students who do not submit their answer sheets will be deemed as having committed an act of academic misconduct. Please take sufficient care.

Issue of Temporary ID Cards

Students without either a student ID card or a temporary ID card will not be able to take semester-end or makeup examinations.

In cases of students forgetting their student ID card on the examination day Issue of temporary ID card
→ Students without a temporary ID card cannot take examinations.
Place of temporary ID card issue Hiyoshi Office of Student Services Information Desk (Valid only on the day of issue)
Issuance fee 500 yen

  • Only valid on the day of issue; can be used to take semester-end examinations and to enter the Media Centers (Libraries).
  • The temporary ID cards can be issued at the campus where the examination is held. Additionally, the card is valid on all campuses for the day of issue.
  • Time which you have lost in order to issue a temporary ID card will not be taken account into actual examination time.


If assignments are required, the lecturer will provide instructions. For details, please check the in-class explanation and K-LMS.