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To all Keio students:
The "state of emergency" declared by the government has been extended to June 20. Infections by a highly contagious mutated strain that exhibits a rapid progression of symptoms continue to spread very quickly, which is especially prominent among young people, and it has been indicated that there is a risk of becoming seriously ill.
Accordingly, we strongly urge all Keio students to act in a way that will prevent the further spread of infections during the period that the declaration is in effect and to strictly adhere to the following points.
In order to stop the rapid increase in the number of people becoming infected, it is important to thoroughly limit the movement of people. We strongly urge you to stay at home and refrain from going out unnecessarily, to completely avoid "closed spaces," "crowded places," and "close-contact settings," to keep necessary outings as short as possible, and to refrain from traveling between prefectures as far as possible.
Eating in groups (where multiple people get together to eat, drink, and talk) involves people talking in close proximity without wearing masks. There is therefore a very high risk of infections through droplets, and in fact, this is the main cause behind the spread of infections. We have repeatedly asked Keio students to refrain from eating in groups up to now, and we once again strongly urge you not to eat in groups regardless of whether you are indoors or outside.
We strongly urge you to refrain from all face-to-face extracurricular activities, including holding training sessions, gatherings, events, and camps. Details of requests regarding the extracurricular activities of officially authorized student clubs will be sent separately to the students responsible for each club.
From the perspective of not "getting infected" or "infecting others," please continue to implement thorough measures to prevent infections such as maintaining physical distance, wearing a mask, thorough hand hygiene and gargling, and avoiding the 3 Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact settings) in addition to refraining from going out as mentioned above.
In particular, there is a risk of infections if you have conversations without wearing a mask, even at a distance of 1 meter. Be sure to wear a mask and keep your distance when talking.
If you have cold symptoms such as a fever, respiratory problems, headache, malaise, or have a smell or taste disorder, please stay at home and monitor your health, including taking your temperature every day. In some cases, the above symptoms such as a fever may not occur even if you are infected. Please thoroughly implement the above measures to prevent infections and ensure that you do not unknowingly spread the virus as an asymptomatic carrier.
If you become infected, suspect that you are infected, or have symptoms such as a fever, please promptly report this to the Keio University Health Center. Through prompt reporting and response, the spread of infections can be avoided. Please have the courage to report infections or suspected infections. Do not neglect to report it or keep it hidden.
・Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) when feeling unwell PDF version available here.
Detailed information concerning COVID-19 is posted on the Keio University Student Website ( Please be sure to check this information and make every effort to prevent infections. Furthermore, please pay attention to the information announced or issued by the national and local governments and act accordingly.
If you become infected, you may suffer serious aftereffects, even if the infection itself was only mild. Your careless actions may also result in others becoming seriously ill. Please act with awareness and make sensible decisions in order to protect your life and livelihood as well as those of your family members and friends.