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June 17, 2021
To all Keio students,
Student Affairs Center
It has been decided that the "declaration of a state of emergency" issued by the government will be lifted in Tokyo Prefecture on June 20, after which Priority Preventative Measures will once more come into effect. Even after the declaration is lifted, the domestic situation regarding infections remains unpredictable, and if we are not careful, there is a risk of infections spreading rapidly once again.
We strongly urge you to continue refraining from activities such as eating out in groups, which carry a high risk of spreading infections. In addition to this, please do not let your guard down and continue to implement basic infection prevention measures.
■Thorough prevention of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) and the spread of the disease
Please take appropriate action so as not to get yourself or your loved ones infected."
1. Basic measures to prevent infections
(1) Secure physical distance (social distancing)
(2) Wear a mask, observe cough etiquette
(3) Wash your hands frequently, gargle thoroughly
2. Avoid the "3Cs"
(1) Avoid poorly ventilated "closed spaces" by frequently circulating the air in rooms
(2) Avoid "crowded places" where many people gather
(3) Avoid "close-contact settings" in which conversations and speech take place in close proximity
3.Refrain from eating out in groups (eating and drinking with multiple people while conversing)
4. Refrain from going out or travelling when unnecessary or non-urgent
5. Monitor your health on a daily basis and refrain from activities when feeling unwell
In particular, we strongly urge you to refrain from eating out in groups as this involves multiple people taking off their masks and having conversations in close proximity, thereby greatly increasing the risk of infections through droplets.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Keio University Health Center About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Furthermore, people in relatively young age groups, including university students, often only show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, even if they are infected. This leads them to spreading infections to family members and friends without realizing it, which is one of the main reasons why there is an increase in the number of serious illnesses and deaths. In addition, young people also do become severely ill, and even in mild cases, people have suffered serious aftereffects. Please remember that your careless actions can threaten not only your own health and life but also those of your loved ones.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, suspect that you are infected with the disease, or are feeling unwell, please follow the instructions on the below page. Through prompt reporting and by taking swift action, you can avoid the spread of infections. Please have the courage to report suspected infections. Do not neglect to report it or keep it hidden.
Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) when feeling unwell