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Request to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections

August 23, 2021
Keio University Infection Response Center for COVID-19

 Progress is currently ongoing in vaccinations, including those administered at the university, as a countermeasure to infections with COVID-19. Nevertheless, it is essential that consideration for others who will not be receiving the inoculation is maintained. In addition, a rapid escalation in infections among younger age groups due to the vehemence of highly transmissible variant strains is ongoing, and cases of infections in fully-vaccinated people are in the news.

 In light of this situation, it is essential that you continue to implement the countermeasures to infection which have been in place to date, regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated, in order to maintain the health and safety of Keio students, faculty and staff members, and all other parties concerned, and to maintain activities on campus. Engaging in conversation when taking meals with a mask off in particular carries an extremely high risk of infection, and we request that you exercise renewed and thorough vigilance regarding countermeasures to prevent infection when dining.

 While we have to date requested that each of you "Refrain from group meals (dining involving multiple persons)," with the resumption of activities by student groups, we have further requested a "Ban on taking meals involving multiple persons before, after, and during activities by student groups." Regrettably, cases of suspected infections coming about due to dining in groups at Keio University are also increasing, which suggests that more stringent vigilance against variant strains is now required. We again request that you take thorough precautions and "dine alone," to mitigate the chance of unguarded conversations with others occurring during mealtimes. This holds true both for dining which takes place indoors and that which takes place outdoors. Further, you may find yourself presented with opportunities to meet with friends who you have not seen for some time during the summer break, but are nevertheless requested to strictly refrain from eating in groups on such occasions.

At the same time, please ensure to always wear a mask in the correct manner, covering your mouth and nose completely at all times other than when you are eating.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.