慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website
慶應義塾大学塾生サイト Keio University Student Website

Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.


Usage manual for Keio University Student Website

Navigational menus have been prepared by campus/faculty/graduate school on the Keio University Student Website.

1. Select the hamburger menu icon (three lines) on the top left of the page.


2. Select your main campus/faculty/graduate school.


3. The home page for the selected campus/faculty/graduate school will be shown. Select the title of the page you wish to browse after selecting the icon from the navigational menu bar.

Information on the campus/faculty/graduate school selected will be saved in the browser. You will not be required to reselect the campus/faculty/graduate school each time you browse the Keio University Student Website.

4. The navigational menu bar will not be shown if you have transferred to a page which does not exist on the menu for the selected campus/faculty/graduate school (pages unique to other campuses/faculties/graduate schools). If you wish to see the navigational menu bar again, please select "TOP" on the top right of the page to return to the home page for the campus/faculty/graduate school.


5. If you wish to search from the navigational menus of pages unique to other campuses/faculties/graduate schools, please reselect the campus/faculty/graduate school from the hamburger menu icon.

Campus/Faculty/Graduate School Marks

Marks like MT-FLET in the menu or on the top of page titles indicate which campus/faculty/graduate school page is.

MarksCampus/Faculty/Graduate School
MT Mita Campus
MT-FLET Mita - Faculty of Letters
MT-ECON Mita - Faculty of Economics
MT-ECON-P Mita - Faculty of Economics - PEARL
MT-LAW Mita - Faculty of Law
MT-FBC Mita - Faculty of Business and Commerce
MT-GSL Mita - Graduate School of Letters
MT-GSECON Mita - Graduate School of Economics
MT-GSLAW Mita - Graduate School of Law
MT-HR Mita - Graduate School of Human Relations
MT-GSBC Mita - Graduate School of Business and Commerce
MT-LS Mita - Law School
HY Hiyoshi Campus
HY-FLET Hiyoshi - Faculty of Letters
HY-ECON Hiyoshi - Faculty of Economics
HY-ECON-P Hiyoshi - Faculty of Economics - PEARL
HY-LAW Hiyoshi - Faculty of Law
HY-FBC Hiyoshi - Faculty of Business and Commerce
HY-MED Hiyoshi - School of Medicine
HY-ST Hiyoshi - Faculty of Science and Technology
HY-PHA Hiyoshi - Faculty of Pharmacy
HYG Hiyoshi - Graduate School
HYG-KBS Hiyoshi - Graduate School of Business Administration
HYG-SDM Hiyoshi - Graduate School of System Design and Management
HYG-KMD Hiyoshi - Graduate School of Media Design
SFC Shonan Fujisawa Campus
SFC-PMEI Shonan Fujisawa - Faculty of Policy Management /
Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
SFC-NMC Shonan Fujisawa - Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care
SFC-GSMG Shonan Fujisawa - Graduate School of Media and Governance
SFC-GSHM Shonan Fujisawa - Graduate School of Health Management
YG Yagami Campus
YG-ST Yagami - Faculty of Science and Technology
YG-GSST Yagami - Graduate School of Science and Technology
SN Shinanomachi Campus
SN-MED Shinanomachi - School of Medicine
SN-GSMED Shinanomachi - Graduate School of Medicine
SK Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus
SK-PHA Shiba-Kyoritsu - Faculty of Pharmacy
SK-GSPHA Shiba-Kyoritsu - Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences