Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Navigational menus have been prepared by campus/faculty/graduate school on the Keio University Student Website.
Information on the campus/faculty/graduate school selected will be saved in the browser. You will not be required to reselect the campus/faculty/graduate school each time you browse the Keio University Student Website.
Campus/Faculty/Graduate School Marks
Marks like MT-FLET in the menu or on the top of page titles indicate which campus/faculty/graduate school page is.
Marks | Campus/Faculty/Graduate School |
MT | Mita Campus |
MT-FLET | Mita - Faculty of Letters |
MT-ECON | Mita - Faculty of Economics |
MT-ECON-P | Mita - Faculty of Economics - PEARL |
MT-LAW | Mita - Faculty of Law |
MT-FBC | Mita - Faculty of Business and Commerce |
MT-GSL | Mita - Graduate School of Letters |
MT-GSECON | Mita - Graduate School of Economics |
MT-GSLAW | Mita - Graduate School of Law |
MT-HR | Mita - Graduate School of Human Relations |
MT-GSBC | Mita - Graduate School of Business and Commerce |
MT-LS | Mita - Law School |
HY | Hiyoshi Campus |
HY-FLET | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Letters |
HY-ECON | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Economics |
HY-ECON-P | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Economics - PEARL |
HY-LAW | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Law |
HY-FBC | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Business and Commerce |
HY-MED | Hiyoshi - School of Medicine |
HY-ST | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Science and Technology |
HY-PHA | Hiyoshi - Faculty of Pharmacy |
HYG | Hiyoshi - Graduate School |
HYG-KBS | Hiyoshi - Graduate School of Business Administration |
HYG-SDM | Hiyoshi - Graduate School of System Design and Management |
HYG-KMD | Hiyoshi - Graduate School of Media Design |
SFC | Shonan Fujisawa Campus |
SFC-PMEI | Shonan Fujisawa - Faculty of Policy Management / Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
SFC-NMC | Shonan Fujisawa - Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care |
SFC-GSMG | Shonan Fujisawa - Graduate School of Media and Governance |
SFC-GSHM | Shonan Fujisawa - Graduate School of Health Management |
YG | Yagami Campus |
YG-ST | Yagami - Faculty of Science and Technology |
YG-GSST | Yagami - Graduate School of Science and Technology |
SN | Shinanomachi Campus |
SN-MED | Shinanomachi - School of Medicine |
SN-GSMED | Shinanomachi - Graduate School of Medicine |
SK | Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus |
SK-PHA | Shiba-Kyoritsu - Faculty of Pharmacy |
SK-GSPHA | Shiba-Kyoritsu - Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |