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You may apply to transfer credits earned abroad and the inclusion of the enrollment period in Keio University. You may apply to transfer credits from Study Abroad to equivalent courses at the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies. This does not guarantee that the credits you wish to transfer will be recognized, so plan carefully so that you are able to earn the necessary credits before and after study abroad to advance or graduate on time.
You can advance to the next year if you meet the requirements for advancement through credit transfer and/or inclusion of study abroad period, but you cannot graduate by using this system. You may decide whether you want to include the study abroad period into your time of enrollment at Keio University. You may also apply for inclusion of the study abroad period without applying for credit transfer or vice versa. However, please note that there is a limit to how long you can remain enrolled at the university as written in the Undergraduate Rules and Regulations Article 156.
Required Documents and Processes
*You may only make modifications to the Application for Study Abroad Credit Transfer and/or Inclusion of Study Abroad Period during the study abroad period. Modifications will not be accepted after the study abroad period ends. During study abroad you can ask questions or submit documents by email. Please submit your Transcript of Academic Record or Grade Report from the University Abroad as soon as you receive it.
Courses Abroad
In principle, students can apply credit transfer for courses which you passed and earned credits at a university abroad during study abroad and whose credits can be confirmed on the grade report. Regardless of the number of credits taken at a university abroad during study abroad, the transferred credits are calculated as follows. It is, in principle, transferred based on 2. or 3. if courses subject to 2. or 3. If not, it is transferred based on 1. Please note that the calculation guidelines below indicate the "maximum" number of credits that can be applied for. The actual number of approved credits will match the number of credits for the Keio subject that was applied for.
* Please contact SFC Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) if you have a question about the calculation.
Some courses cannot be applied for credit transfer such as language training courses for study abroad students that take place outside the study abroad period.
You may apply for a course to be counted as multiple courses at Keio University following the calculation guidelines above. However, the courses must be in a series of the same subject, such as "Biology 1" and "Biology 2."
[Application Example]
Apply for "Microeconomics" taken abroad (3,000 course minutes = equivalent to 4 credits) to be recognized at Keio University as Microeconomics 1 (2 credits) and Microeconomics 2 (2 credits).
Courses at Keio University
In principle, transferrable courses must meet the following conditions.
Courses you have already earned credits from
Courses offered at Research Institutes or Centers
Ask the Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs) for details.
Language Communication Courses
Only Contents Courses can be applied for (the course must be the same level or higher than the equivalent course).
This condition does not apply to language communication courses offered at other faculties.
Important Notes