Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Japan faces many issues, such as an aging population and infrastructure, and energy and social securitychallenges. Some of these problems are unique to Japan, but will become more common in other areas of theworld in the years to come. A new approach that is based on evidence from the field, and that uses scientificmethodology and advanced information technology, is the key to solve these new issues. EBA, the EvidenceBased Approach, is a collection of those skills that can be applied to any area of focus. The purpose of the EBAperspective is to understand the approach, learn the skills, and become ready to go to the field and solve theissues in our global society.
Faculty Members and Contact
At least two credits must be earned from course categories 1 and 2, and two credits must be earned from course categories 3 and 4, for a total of at least six credits from course categories 1-4. In addition, students must earn at least 2 credits each from course categories 5 and 6. Thus 10 credits must be earned at least.
Please note that the titles with (*) in the course list are the graduate courses.
Course Groups
Course categories 1 to 4 are to learn basic knowledge and course categories 5 and 6 are to acquire aninternational way of thinking and broaden your understanding.
List of Courses