Please select a faculty / graduate school from this menu.
Year of Enrollment and the University Rules and Regulations that Apply
All current students will fall under the 2014 Rules and Regulations. Students who had been under the 2007 Rules and Regulations until the 2018 academic year now fall under the 2014 Rules and Regulations.
In spring 2014, the curriculum of the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies was renewed. SFC, which was established in 1990, celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2020, and its curriculum has been revised several times throughout its history. This is proof that our campus is an embodiment of the "spirit of experimentation" to "create what has yet to be." We believe that a dynamic, practical learning-oriented intellectual search becomes possible if we are not afraid of change, face diversified and complex issues, and upgrade the curriculum itself.
Throughout past curriculum changes, what has not changed since SFC's foundation is that students themselves design their own learning, which is centered on the Seminar (Kenkyukai). Seminars are places where students freely interact with faculty members and fellow students, learn from each other, and actively engage in the field to address problems. A unique part of SFC's curriculum is that students can join a Seminar from their first year. There are over 100 Seminars at SFC and each engages in activities based on a unique idea or method. Activities in Seminars lead to the Graduation Project, the culmination of study at SFC, and they are an opportunity for students to arrange their sense of values and grow as human beings.
While Seminars are central to the new curriculum, further emphasis has been placed on what is essential to all SFC students--communication ability, information processing techniques, methods of research, and the importance of creating a healthy mind and body. We have also prepared a structure that allows students to learn the spirit of experimentation, discover their own potential at an early stage after entering the University, and encounter a Seminar that is appropriate for them. Also, we are actively diversifying the format of courses. For example, short-term intensive courses offer students an abundance of learning opportunities. Not only that, but students will have more flexibility when planning their four-year student life. Of course, there are also many opportunities to learn outside SFC at other Keio University campuses and throughout the world.
Before making plans to register for courses, make sure you read and understand the structure of the curriculum.
Curriculum Outline
The curriculum is structured around the Seminar and the Graduation Project, while different categories of courses focus on giving students the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in these two pillars of SFC learning.
Research seminars are positioned at the center of the curriculum. In order to practice the "Research-seminar-centric" concept, you are encouraged to explore various research seminars from an early stage after entering the University and find a research theme that you can pursue with passion.
Research seminars are positioned at the center of the curriculum. In order to practice the 'Research-seminar-centric' concept, you are encouraged to explore various research seminars from an early stage after entering the University and find a research theme that you can pursue with passion.
While taking the Fundamental Subjects mentioned above, students will take Advanced Subjects that will lead them into their Seminar and Graduation Project. Advanced Subjects are more specialized and prepare students to conduct sound research for their Seminar and Graduation Project. A structure called "Aspects" enables students to create a concrete course plan in line with the specialty and approach to research taken by the faculty member who will oversee their Graduation Project.
Every semester, SFC offers numerous courses across a wide range of disciplines. Students can choose courses freely without being subject to many restrictions. However, due to the large number of courses, students may be unable to identify courses that truly match their needs. "Aspects" give students a picture of how courses and Seminars relate to each other by breaking them down into their component parts (aspects). Aspects are designed to guide and help students discover Seminars and courses that may have been outside their field of vision.
「Faculty members who are in charge of Seminars designate multiple Aspects, from a total of forty Aspects in four groups, that relate to their research fields. Also, for Advanced Subjects and certain Fundamental Subjects, multiple Aspects that characterize those subjects have been selected. Aspects of faculty members and courses can be viewed online.
Use Aspects when selecting courses or Seminars to investigate the Faculty member - Aspect - Course connections, courses having common Aspects, or connections between faculty members.
In order to apply for a Graduation Project mentor in the second semester of the Third Year, students must satisfy the Aspects designated by the mentor by the previous semester (the first semester of the Third Year). For details, see About Registration.
Courses, Number of Credits, Fields
Numbers inside < > under "Details" indicate curriculum codes. A code is assigned to all courses. See the syllabus for individual course codes (### part).
The number inside ( ) indicates the number of credits. Courses without a description of the number of credits are worth 2 credits.
Type | Details | Field | Course Name |
Fundamental Subjects | Introductory Subjects *1 (B1###) | 01-01-01 | Policy Management Studies (1) , Environment and Information Studies (1) , Introduction to Keio Gijuku. Its History People and Tradition |
Subjects of Language Communication (B2###) | 01-02-01 | SFC Gateway English (4) | |
01-02-02 | English (Intensive 1 (4), Project English A, B, C, D / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3), Some of the Short-term Study Abroad Courses Offered by the International Center *2 | ||
01-02-03 | Korean (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-04 | Chinese (Basic 1, 2, 3 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4), 4 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-05 | Malay-Indonesian (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-06 | Arabic (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-07 | German (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-08 | French (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4), 4 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-09 | Spanish (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4), 4 (4) / Skill / Contents / Study Abroad A (4), B*3) | ||
01-02-10 | Japanese (Basic 1, 2, 3, 4 / Applied Japanese Basic 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1) / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4), 3 (4), 4 (4) / Skill / Contents / Intensive Elementary 1 (4), 2 (4)) | ||
01-02-11 | Russian (Basic 1, 2 / Intensive 1 (4), 2 (4)) | ||
01-02-12 | Italian (Basic 1, 2) | ||
Subjects of Data Science (B3###) | 01-03-01 | [Data Science 1] Introduction to Statistics, Probability, Calculus, Linear Algebra | |
01-03-02 | [Data Science 2] Data Science for Economics and Finance, Data Science for Information and Society, Data Science for Business, Data Science for Health Care, Data Science for Environmental Governance, Data Science for Genome Dynamics, Data Science for Sports, Data Science for International Society, Mathematical Literacy for Problem Finding and Solving, Statistical Analysis, Bayesian Statistics, Mathematical Models, Optimization Theory, Mathematical Analysis, Fundamentals of Life Science Laboratory, Data Science of Cognitive Science, Data Science for Bioinformatics, Algorithm Science (AY2022 onwards), Science of Origami, Mathematics in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Math for DAD (Data&AI, Art and Design) (Statistics and Probability Theory), Information Theory, Computer Graphics and Mathematics | ||
Fundamentals of Information Technology (B4###) | 01-04-01 | Fundamentals of Information Technology 1, Fundamentals of Information Technology 2, Fundamentals of System Programming, Fundamentals of Object-oriented Programming, Fundamentals of Programming with Script Languages | |
Wellness Subjects *3 (B5###) | 01-05-01 | Physical and Mental Health for Campus Life (1), Physical Education 1 (1) | |
01-05-02 | Physical Education 2 (1), Physical Education 3 (1) | ||
01-05-03 | Physical Education 4 (1), Physical Education 5 (1) | ||
Interdisciplinary Subjects (B6###) | 01-06-01 | Fundamentals of Geography, Fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry, Workshops on Future Vision, Workshops on New Business Creation, Workshops on Designing Policy, Workshops on Legal Thinking, Workshops on Designing Electronic Toys, Workshops on Genome Analysis, Workshops on Sensing Technologies, Fundamentals of Digital Music, Workshop on Designing Learning Environments, Workshop on Learning Environment with ICT, Design of Learning Environments for Language and Culture, Workshops on Collaboration Skills (4), Writing Skills Workshop, Oral History Workshop, Translation Workshop, Writing Skills Workshop on Science, Practical Academic Writing, Writing Skills Workshop in Business, Multilingual Communication Practice, Interpersonal Communication: Introduction and Practice, Mutual Interaction and Intersubjectivity, Group Communication: Introduction and Practice, Multicultural Communication, Network Communication: Introduction and Practice, Design Language: Introduction and Practice (4), Basic Design Studio (4), Basic Digital Design (4), Public Policy, Legal Mind, Social Innovation, Future of Urban and Regional Systems, Human Security, Sports Business, Global Governance, Communication in A Multilingual Society, Linguistics and Communications, Japanese Language Education, Language and Cognition, Urbanism and Architecture in History, Thinking with Geospatial Information, Earth Systems, Theory of Global Environment Technology, Introduction to Sociosemantics, Introduction to Novel Fabrication, Introduction to the Internet, Embodied Knowledge, Psychology of Supreme Personality Development, Design Language, Management of Non Profit Organizations, Management of Emerging Businesses, Financial and Business Plan Construction Methods, Social Business Planning, Strategic Management, Organizational Strategy (Micro), Organizational Strategy (Macro), Marketing Strategy, Public Relations Strategy, Leadership, Strategic Process of Negotiation, Organizations and Communication, Human Capital Theory, Organizations for Research and Development, Risk Management, Consulting Methodology and Technologies, Presentation Technique, Practical Academic Presentation, Academic Writing, Information Visualization, Publishing Skills, Legal Writing, Contract Workshop, Legislation Workshop, Legislative Method, Formulation of Policy, Financial and Economic Gaming, Theory of Games, Management Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Analyzing of Financial Statement, Career and Society, Career Design Theory, Life Career Theory, Professional Ethics, Development of Decision-making Abilities, Internships in Business (4), Internships in Public Organizations (4), Internships in Social Enterprises (4), Lifelong Learning and Community Participation, Assessment and Development in Education, Thinking Process Design, Pattern Language, Design Studies, Building Construction and Design, Computer Music 1, Computer Music 2, Software Engineering, Programming Methodologies, Foundations of Novel Fabrication (4), DIY Electronics, Basic Product Design, Design Observation, Basic Information Design, Basic Museum Design, Algorithmic Design, Digital Media and Moving Images, Fashion Design, Design Research, Music and Cognition, Digital Sound Composition 1, Qualitative Research Methods, Interview Methods, Fieldwork Methods, Introduction to Data Acquisition, Bibliographic Information Retrieval, Fundamentals of Logic, Exploring Creative Society, Creative Systems Theory, Workshop Design, Art and Science, Philosophy of Body, Methodology Study, Subcultural Studies, Japan Studies 1, Modern History of Japan, Jurisprudence, Historical Development of Scientific Thoughts, Islam and Modern Society, Cognitive Science, Introduction to Brain and Behavior, Introduction to Sensory Physiology and Psychology, Personality Development, General Semantics, Introduction to Programming Languages, Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Circuit (4), Network Architecture, Software Architecture, Ubiquitous System Architecture, Introduction to Database, Web Design and Management, Web Text Processing, Practical Software Development (4), Mathematics for Information Science, Information Economics, Cognitive Learning, Second Language Acquisition (up to AY2020), Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Understanding, Branding Design, Systems of Life, Comparison of the Life Phenomenon to the Real World, Introduction to Integrated Health Research, Basic Biology on the Metabolism, Structure and Function of the Human Body, Fundamental Human Pathology, Biosimulation 1, Molecular And Cellular Biology 1 (1), Molecular and Cellular Biology 2 (1), Molecular and Cellular Biology 3 (1), Molecular and Cellular Biology 4 (1), Introduction to Information and Communication System, The Government of Modern Japan: The Japanese Bureaucracy, Personal Place Design, Mapping Image Design, Introduction to the Islamic World, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Top Sports Theory, Tonal Harmony 1, Tonal Harmony 2, Tonal Composition 1, Tonal Composition 2, Introduction to Second Language Learning and Teaching (up to AY2020), Music and Culture, Musics of Japan (up to AY2019), Corporate Management, Japan in World History, History of Music, Algorithm Science (up to AY2021), Public Philosophy, Policy-Making and Media, Contemporary Art Practice, Basics of Architectural Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Public Philosophy for Action, Choices and Freedom, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis, Career Design and Talent Management | |
Advanced Subjects | Series of Policy Management (C1###) | For PM Students 02-01-01 For EI Students 02-02-01 |
Classics Review, Modern History, Modern Thought, Contemporary Thought, Literature, World History and Civilization, Social Entrepreneurship, Public Management, Social Security Policy (Medical and Custodial Care), Social Security Policy (Pension, Labor and Welfare), Security Policy in Society (Public Order), Social Security Policy (Disaster), Modern Social Theory, Macroscopic Social Analysis, Microscopic Social Analysis, Innovation Dynamics, Network Analysis, Network Policy, Network Culture, Mass Communications, Lifestyle and Consumer Behavior, Institutional Design for Risk Society, Urban Systems, Regional Policy, Social Dynamics, Geography of Planning Practice, Community-based Planning and Community Renovation, Urban Planning and Machizukuri, Management of Social Enterprise (Healthcare), Management of Social Enterprise (Museum), Management of Social Enterprise (Sports Business), Social Marketing, Community Investment, Public Governance, Nonprofit and Governmental Accounting, Corporate Governance, Information Technology and Marketing, Network Industries, Network Society, Population Dynamics, Comparative Culture, Cultural Law/Cultural Management, Science and Technology Policy, National Land Policy, Environmental Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Activation of the Economy, Management in Knowledge Service Industries, Community Health Care System, Evidence Based Health Policy Management and Communication, Modern Politics, Governance and Institutions (Political Organization), Governance and Institutions (Local Government), Law and Society, Constitution (Human Rights), Constitution (Governance), Civil Law (Property), Civil Law (Family Law), Enterprise Law (Corporate Law), Enterprise Law (Venture-Related Law), Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Information Law, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Microeconomics 1, Microeconomics 2, Macroeconomics 1, Macroeconomics 2, Stock Economy, Econometrics, Financial Analysis, Analytical Framework for Policy Design, Policy Making Process, Policy Dynamics in Local Government, Seminar: Administrative Law, Seminar: Civil Law, Civil Law Practice (Corporate Affairs), Intellectual Property System, Public Choice Theory, Economic Policy, Public Finance, Local Public Finance, Seminar on Economic Theory, Quantitative Finance, Project Evaluation, Finance Theory, Risk and Insurance, International Relations, International Political Economy, Diplomacy and National Strategy, International Security and Conflict Studies, International Organizations, International Development, Regional Development, International Environment, International Finance, International Enterprises, International Law, International Communication, Japan Studies 2, Asia Workshop, Region and Society (Asia-Pacific), Region and Society (Europe and CIS Countries), Region and Society (The Americas), Region and Culture (Asia-Pacific), Region and Culture (Europe and CIS Countries), Region and Culture (The Americas), Religion and Modern Society, Language and Humanity, Language and Education, Theory of Languages (German), Theory of Languages (French), Global Economy and Economic Policy, International Cooperation Policy, Global Environmental Politics, National Security Policy, Regional Studies (German), Regional Studies (French), Asia-Oceania Regional Studies, Korean Regional Studies, Indonesian Regional Studies, Social Studies (German), Social Studies (French), Korean Social Studies, Malay Social Studies 1, Malay Social Studies 2, Development and the Local Community, Sustainable System Science, International Environmental Law, Media and Society (German), Art and Culture (French), Modern Culture (Korean), Islam and Islamic World, Indonesian Cultural Studies, Cultural Studies (German), Cultural Studies (French), Cultural Studies (Chinese), Korean Cultural Studies, Multicultural Society, Nation-States and Nationalism, Comparative Political and Economic Systems, Society in Japan and Germany (German), Language Policy (French), Language Education Practice (Chinese), Dynamics of Languages, Applied Clinical Psychology, Introduction to Islamic Law, Modern Political Philosophy, Contemporary Political Philosophy, State and Defense, Global Human Rights and Japan, Multinational Management, Civil Code (General Provisions and Real Rights), Civil Code (Contracts and Torts), Civil Code (Family and Inheritance), Region and Culture (Spanish-Speaking World), Aynu Language and Culture (AY2018 onwards), Region and Society (Middle East), Policy Management (Human Security and International Development), Education and Sports Policy, Evolution of Music, Reinvention and Innovation of the Social System and Organization, A History of The U.S.-Japan Relationship, Policy Practices Related to Diffusion of Information and Communications Technologies, Ethical Science, Sport Management, Second Language Acquisition (AY2021 onwards), Introduction to Second Language Learning and Teaching (AY2021 onwards), Quantitative Analysis for Social Sciences, Region and Culture (Arab World), Management Innovation in It Business, Economics of Education, Management and Governance of Government Institutions, Environmental Law, Society and Health, Practicing Analytical Framework for Policy Design |
Series of Environment and Information Studies (C2###) | For PM Students 02-02-01 For EI Students 02-01-01 |
New Technologies and Society, Society and Resources, Cities and Environment, Designing with Information Technology, Ecological Design, Protection of Living Environment, Energy and Global Environment, Field Methods in Ecology, Outline of Earth Environment, Landscape Ecology, Theory of Environment Sensing Technology, Environment Risk Science, Theory of Environmentally Sustainable Planning, Practice of Environmental Activities, Theory of Ecosystem Evaluation, Natural Environment, Theory of Earth System Design, Design Studio (Housing and Environment) (4), Design Studio (Landscape and Architecture) (4), Design Studio (Architecture and Urbanism) (4), Architecture and Environmental Design, Building Construction Methods, Urban Rural Re-design, Sports Communication, Introduction to Sports Science, Workshops on Cognitive Science, Perceptual and Cognitive Models 1, Perceptual and Cognitive Models 2, Constructive Cognition, Impression Management, Cognitive Psychology, Applied Cognitive Science, Neural Information Science, Language and Thought, Evolution of Life and Intelligence, Fundamental Biology Laboratory, Genetic Engineering Laboratory (4), Genetic Analysis Laboratory (4), Fundamental Analytical Chemistry (1), Introductory Biochemistry (1), Workshop on Molecular Health Science, Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science 1 (1), Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science 2 (1), Molecular Nutritional Science for Health, The Epoch-making Discoveries in Cell Biology, Linkage of Agriculture, Food and Medicine, Integration of Eastern and Western Medicine, Biosimulation 2, Image and Psychoanalysis, Human Movement Analysis (4), Sports Engineering, Sports Biomechanics, Mental Environment, Perceptual Motor Skill, Human Centered Design, Lexical Semantics and Mental Dictionaries, Issues in Cognitive Linguistics, Mass Spectrometry (1), Structural Biology (1), Biomolecular Function (1), Proteomics (1), Introduction to Metabolic Systems Engineering (1), Genomic Molecular Biology 1, Genomic Molecular Biology 2, Metabolomics (1), Metabolome Analysis Laboratory Practice, Proteome Analysis Laboratory Practice, Metabolic Engineering Laboratory Practice, Biophysics, History and Future of Media, Heuristic Computing, System Programming, Programming on Mobile Devices, Functional Programming, Design Programming, Image Processing Programming, Graphics Programming, Spatial Analysis (4), Database Architecture, ICT for Primary Industry, ICT Policy and Technology, Applied Information Theory for Environment and Energy, Internet Measurement and Data Analysis, Quantum Information Processing, Autonomy, Decentralization and Cooperation, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, BIG Data Processing, Design and Operation of the Internet, Info-communication Security and Privacy, Information Ethics, Knowledge Processing and Discovery, Pattern Information Processing, Human Interface Design, Usability Evaluation, Mobile Network, Ubiquitous Information Service, Information Security Management, Web Information System Design, Embedded System Design, Programming Languages, Language System Design, Substance and Information, Reflective Design, Programmable Material, Documentary Storytelling, Digital Fabrication, Interaction Design, Computational Design, Digital Sound Composition 2, Visual and Media Arts, Open Design Strategy, Practice of Open Design, Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, Strategic Design on Uncharted Horizons, Movement Physiology and Psychology, Design Solution for Extreme Environment, Notation and Expression, Applied Workshop on Molecular Health Science, Music and the Brain, Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals, Touch as Social Media, Forest Science and Engineering (From Supply Side), Forest Science and Engineering (From Demand Side), Haptic Science and Technology, Music and The Mind/Body, Big Data System, Complex Systems Science, Musics of Japan (AY2020 onwards), 'Text Processing in the Age of Data X AI, Art and Design', Earth System A, Earth System B, Practical Mental Health, Affective and Behavioral Computing, Quantum Internet | |
Research Seminars (A1###) | 03-01-01 | Seminar A (4), Seminar B | |
03-01-02 | Graduation Project 1, Graduation Project 2 *4 | ||
03-01-03 | Special Research Project A (4) *3, Special Research Project B *3, Field Research 1, Field Research 2 | ||
Courses Offered at Other Faculties, etc. *5 | 04-01-01 | (Register Courses Offered by Other Faculties in Section B Area "21") | |
Specialized Subjects in Teacher Training (Y1###) | 05-01-01 | Survey of Japanese History, World History | |
Special Subjects *6 (X1###) | 60-01-01 | Yamagata Cultural Exploration, Science/Technology and Journalism, Entrepreneurship 1, Entrepreneurship 2, Intellectual Property and Business Models, Creation of Innovative Net Service, Regional Collaboration and Fieldwork, Corporate Challenges in the 21st Century, Go, Innovation in Globalization, Technology in Education, Emergence of a Global Curriculum, Introduction to Traffic Safety, Environment and Health Science, UTA (Song), Electronic Publishing, Battery Society, Coaching in a Leadership Development, Diffusion of Innovations and Marketing Research of Information Technology Services, Introduction to Forest Products, A New Place of Learning for the Future, Data Business Management, Experience & Engagement Design, Rise of The Environmental Revolution, Information Systems and Society, Innovation and Marketing Research, ASEAN Fieldwork A, ASEAN Fieldwork B, Fieldwork in Japan A, Fieldwork in Japan B, Elementary Japanese Conversation (1), Design Thinking and Competitive Strategy, Introduction to Strategies on Tourism-oriented Country, Student Build Campus (SBC) Practice, Introduction to Student Build Campus (SBC), Student Build Campus (SBC) Practice (Architecture A), Student Build Campus (SBC) Practice (Architecture B), Emergence of Data Driven Society and Strategy, Data Business Creation A (1), Emergence of Data Driven Society and Strategy (Advanced), Ergonomic Design and Technology, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Blockchain, Network Infrastructure of Tourism, Transportation, and Commodity in Asia, Aynu Language and Culture (-up to AY2017), AI and Policy, Information Security D, Exercise in Project Based Learning K, Work and Gender, Working Law, Data Business Creation B (1), Japan and African Global Connection (A Process to Realize Collaboration for The Future), Introduction to Business Creation 1, Introduction to Business Creation 2, Drone Society, Future Publishing, Function of Corporate Accelerator and Corporate Venture Capital, Food Issues and Innovation, Theory of Service Creation Based on Software Technology (Basic), Data-driven ART, Theory of Service Creation Based on Software Technology (Advanced), Manga, Labor Policy, Food, Clothing, and Shelter Issue & Innovation, Practice to Business Creation (Seeds of Technology), Fly Above the Sky, Shogi, An Introduction to African Reality, Beyond Blockchain, Running Design, Understanding e-Sports, Designing SFC Spirits, Forest of Minerva (SFC 30th Anniversary Special Course Collaborating with Alumni), Beyond Blockchain Basics, Beyond Blockchain Advanced, Data Society and Business Model, Occupational Health Psychology, Stress Management in Daily Life, Advanced Exercise in Cyber Security Operations, Basic Exercise in Protecting Information Systems Against Security Threats, Advanced Exercise in Incident Handling, Advanced Security Workshop in Smartphone Security, Antarctic Ecology, Environmental Issues in Polar Regions, Songwriting, Real Estate Design, Culture, Environment and Technology of India, SDGs and Finance, Cyber Resilience 101:Theory and Practice, Sing, Ecology of The Microscopic World, Social Security System in Japan, Real Estate Design (Mini-Studio), Digital Art -Introduction and Practice, Data Security, Artistic Journalism, Student Built Campus (SBC) Practice (Landscape), Theory of Architecture as Media, Context Design, Automation of Scientific Experiments, Urbanism Ideas and Architecture of Fumihiko Maki, Introduction to Probabilistic Computing, The Art of Knowledge Compilation-1, The Art of Knowledge Compilation-2, Environmental and Energy Economics, Cross-Sectoral Policy Making, Real Estate Design 1, Real Estate Design 2, Introduction to Trusted Internet, Emotion and Communication, Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Life and Living, Cyber Security Attacks and Defense, Regional Development through Sports Activities, System and Business Architecture in Digital Healthcare, Design Principles with "Tensho" of Point-Clouds, Practical Customer-Based Digital Transformation, Workshops on Practical Business Model Analysis, Workshops on Practical Marketing Analysis, Maritime Security and Maritime Law Enforcement, Gender and The Socio-Economic Impact, Ecocriticism and Popular Culture, ESG Investment and Sustainable Management, Practical Exercises of Regional Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration <Constructing "Living" from Agriculture> , Green Business Design, Student Build Campus (SBC) Practice (Publication) , Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Space Security | |
Optional Subjects | (Z1###) | 90-01-01 | Basics of Data Science |
90-01-02 | Others (Register as Optional Subjects) *7 | ||
Courses at the Graduate School of Media and Governance | 90-09-02 | Program Courses |
Advancement and Graduation Requirements
Students Who Enrolled Before 2014, Transfer Students Entering the Second Year of Undergraduate Programs and Students with Bachelor's Degrees Entering the Third Year need to check their requirements on the documents from the SFC Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs).
The following credits cannot be included in the credits required for advancement to the next year or graduation.
Students must meet both of the following requirements in order to advance to the Second Year:
Faculty of Policy Management | Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
Policy Management Studies: 1 credit | Environment and Information Studies: 1 credit |
Physical and Mental Health for Campus Life: 1 credit | |
Physical Education 1: 1 credit |
Students must meet both of the following requirements in order to advance to the Third Year:
Fundamental Subjects - Language Communication *1 However, at least four credits must be earned at least from one language. *2 |
At least 8 credits | |
Fundamental Subjects - Data Science | Data Science 1 | At least 2 credits |
Data Science 2 | At least 2 credits | |
Fundamental Subjects - Fundamentals of Information Technology | At least 4 credits |
*1 The following courses cannot be included:
SFC Gateway English, Russian Basic 1, Russian Basic 2, Russian Intensive 1, Russian Intensive 2, Italian Basic 1, Italian Basic 2.
*2 Excluding Russian and Italian
Students must meet both of the following requirements in order to advance to the Fourth Year:
Fundamental Subjects | At least 30 credits *3 |
Physical Education 2 | 1 credit |
Physical Education 3 | 1 credit |
Seminar A or Seminar B | At least 2 credits |
*3 Includes the number of credits required to advance to the Third Year.
Students must meet all three of the following requirements in order to graduate:
Advanced Subjects | At least 30 credits |
Graduation Project 2 *4 | 2 credits |
The following credits cannot be counted towards the 124 credits required for graduation.
*4 Please note that credits for Graduation Project 1 must be earned before registering for Graduation Project 2. However, this does not apply if the Application for Study Abroad is approved by the Faculty Board and the student will study abroad in the first semester of the Fourth Year and completes the necessary procedures beforehand. For details, see About Registration.