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Thorough prevention of COVID-19 infections and precautions during the spring break

March 18, 2021

To all Keio students:

Keio University Student Affairs Center

The "state of emergency" declared by the government is expected to be lifted on March 21 for Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa prefectures. Even after the declaration is lifted, however, the fact remains that the situation surrounding the spread of infections in Japan will continue to be unpredictable, and if we are not careful, there is a risk of infections rapidly spreading once again.

Although there are usually many events at this time of the year that involve dining out together, such as celebration, welcome, and farewell parties, there is a high risk of spreading infections when people eat and drink together, and we strongly urge you to continue refraining from hosting or attending these events. In addition to refraining from dining out, please do not let you guard down regarding basic infection prevention measures and ensure that you thoroughly implement these.

Furthermore, although it is easy to feel relaxed once the spring break begins, please be vigilant against the various trouble you could find yourself in. Each of you must be aware that you are a member of Keio University and act responsibly while fully respecting the dignity of yourself and others.

Thorough prevention of infections by and the spread of COVID-19

Please be sure to act in a way so that "you do not become infected yourself" and that "you do not let those who are dear to you become infected."

1. Basic measures against infection

 (1) Maintain physical distance (social distancing)

 (2) Wear a mask/follow cough etiquette

 (3) Frequent hand washing/thorough gargling

2. Avoid the "3 Cs"

 (1) Prevent the creation of poorly ventilated "closed spaces" through frequent ventilation.

 (2) Do not go to "crowded places" where many people gather.

 (3) Do not create "close contact" settings where conversations and speech occur in close proximity.

3.Refrain from dining out (eating and drinking with multiple people while conversing)

4. Refrain from going out or travelling when not necessary or urgent

5. Monitor you state of health daily and show self-restraint when you are not feeling well

In particular, we strongly urge people to refrain from eating together as this is an activity that involves multiple people talking in close proximity without wearing a mask. There is therefore a very high risk of infections through droplets.

•Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

•Keio University Health Center: About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Furthermore, those who are relatively young, including university students, often only show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all even if they are infected, thereby spreading infections to family members and friends without realizing it. This is one of the main reasons why there is an increase in cases resulting in serious illness or death. Additionally, young people can also become severely ill, and even if the illness is mild, they may suffer from the after-effects of the disease. Please remember that behaving in a blasé or apathetic manner could threaten your health and life as well as those of your loved ones.

If you suspect that you are infected, have been infected, or are feeling unwell, please promptly act in accordance with the instructions outlined on the following page. Your prompt reporting and response will help avoid the spread of infections. Please have the courage to report infections. Do not hide or neglect to report suspected infections.

•Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) when feeling unwell  

Precautions during the spring break

1. Extracurricular activities
We strongly request that students refrain from all extracurricular activities involving face-to-face practice, meetings, events, camps, etc. For officially authorized student clubs, the latest information is posted on the Keio University Student Website. Please check the following webpage:

• Keio University Student Website:Keio's Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) For Student Clubs

2.Prohibition of dangerous drinking behavior
Even at online drinking parties, drinking by minors and forcing people to drink are strictly prohibited. Please be aware that depending on how it is consumed, alcohol is a dangerous substance that can be life-threatening, damage your body, or affect your future life.

• Keio University Student Website: Precautions for drinking alcohol

3.Prohibition of illegal acts, acts against public order and morals, and sexual assault
Involvement in illegal activities such as forced drinking, use of drugs, sexual behavior, violence, fraudulent business practices, or any other activities that go against public order and morals is strictly prohibited, even if you do not realize that your imprudent words and actions or heedless behavior could lead to a crime. Acts that harm the life, body, or property of others and violate their dignity will not be tolerated.

•Keio University Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Charter for the Promotion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
•Keio University: Establishment of the Charter for the Promotion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

4.Precautions on posts made on SNS
Please take full responsibility for your own posts and actions online. Be sure not to cause trouble for others through actions such as careless comments on SNS or self-centered words and behavior in public spaces. Keio students must always be aware that they are a "source of honorable character" and a "paragon of intellect and morals."