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July 20, 2021
To all Keio students,
Student Affairs Center
While workplace vaccinations have been underway at the university in recent weeks and Keio students, faculty, and staff members are being vaccinated, with cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) spreading again and mutated strains of the virus rapidly becoming widespread, the domestic infection situation still remains unpredictable. Additionally, getting inoculated does not mean that there is no risk of infection. Please strictly refrain from high-risk activities such as eating out in groups and drinking in public places, and take thorough measures against infections.
Furthermore, although it is easy to feel free of restrictions once the summer vacation begins, please be mindful of the various kinds of trouble you could find yourselves in as well. We ask each of you to act with awareness as a member of Keio University and make every effort to behave in a responsible manner that fully respects your own dignity and that of others.
1. Basic measures to prevent infections
(1) Keep a physical distance from others (social distancing)
(2) Wear a mask and observe cough etiquette
(3) Wash your hands frequently and gargle thoroughly
2. Avoid the "3Cs"
(1) Avoid poorly ventilated "closed spaces" by ensuring the air is circulating in rooms
(2) Avoid "crowded places" where many people gather
(3) Avoid "close-contact settings" in which conversations take place in close proximity
3.Refrain from eating out in groups (eating and drinking with multiple people while conversing)
4. Do not eat or drink in public places, including inside train stations, on the streets, and at parks
5. Monitor your health on a daily basis and refrain from activities when feeling unwell
In particular, we strongly urge you to refrain from eating out in groups as this involves multiple people taking off their masks and having conversations in close proximity, thereby greatly increasing the risk of infections through droplets.
・Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
・Keio University Health Center: About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
・Keio University COVID-19 Workplace Vaccination Information Portal
・Workplace Vaccination for COVID-19 at Keio University (President's Message)
The vaccines are invaluable. To avoid wasting vaccines, please be sure to complete the cancellation procedures if you are no longer able to keep your appointment. Since the vaccines are prepared from early in the morning in accordance with the number of people who have made an appointment on the day, if you fail to show up, the vaccine may, in a worst-case scenario, have to be thrown away, leading to a great waste. We ask for the cooperation of all Keio students to ensure that this situation does not occur.
・Keio University COVID-19 Workplace Vaccination Information Portal FAQ
While we encourage all Keio students to take this opportunity to get vaccinated, vaccination is not compulsory, but voluntary and at the discretion of the individual. Please respect the wishes and decisions of others and be sure never to discriminate or restrict activities based on whether or not a person has been vaccinated.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a safe campus cannot be realized through vaccinations alone. As it has been the case until now, it is important that no one neglects infection prevention measures and for each of us to act in a disciplined manner, such as not eating out in groups.
People in relatively young age groups, including many university students, often only show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, even if they are infected. This leads them to spreading infections to family members and friends without realizing it, which is one of the main reasons why there is currently an increase in the number of serious illnesses and deaths. In addition, young people also can and do become severely ill, and even in mild cases, people have suffered serious aftereffects. Please remember that your careless actions can threaten not only your own health and life but also those of your loved ones.
1.Extracurricular activities
While we strongly advise student clubs to conduct extracurricular activities online, if you wish to conduct face-to-face activities, please be sure to thoroughly implement measures against infections. Furthermore, as this is the time of year when there is an increased risk of heat stroke, please take every precaution to prevent it from happening. For officially authorized student clubs, the latest information is posted on the Keio University Student Website. Please check the following link.
•Keio University Student Website: Extracurricular activities of student clubs
2.Prohibition of dangerous drinking behavior
Even at online drinking parties, drinking by minors and forcing people to consume alcohol are strictly prohibited. Please be aware that depending on how it is consumed, alcohol is a dangerous substance that can put your life at risk, threaten your physical health, and have grave consequences for your future.
•Keio University Student Website: Precautions on drinking alcohol
3.Prohibition of illegal acts, acts against public order and morals, and sexual assault
Involvement in illegal activities such as forced drinking, use of drugs, violence, and fraudulent business practices, any other activities that go against public order and morals, and sexual assault, including sexual violence and sexual harassment, is strictly prohibited, even if you do not realize that your imprudent words and actions or heedless behavior could lead to a crime. Acts that harm the life, body, or property of others and violate their dignity will not be tolerated.
・Keio University Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Charter for the Promotion of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
4.Behavior in public places and posts on SNS
Please take full responsibility for your own words and actions. Be sure not to cause trouble for others through acts such as self-centered words and behavior in public spaces or careless comments on SNS. Keio students must always be aware that they are a "source of honorable character" and a "paragon of intellect and morals."
5.Prevention of accidents on mountains, water-related accidents, traffic accidents, etc.
The liberating feeling you can experience during long vacations also makes it more likely that you will be involved in accidents including those on mountains, water-related accidents, and traffic accidents. Please take every precaution not to cause or be involved in any accidents.